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Shot in my garage(again)then friend request.


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Got shot in my garage again then the arsehole sends me a friend request then another pm "ADD ME".Why the f*ck would i add you.Would anyone here have added him?

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how to troll a troll that sends you a friend request 1. accept friend request 2. unfriend him then get it to send you another decline keep doing til he gets frustrated and then just as he is about to know you are trolling accept for good 3. when it tries to do glitch INTENTIONALLY mess up but make it look like an accident. do this multiple times til it unfriends you

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Yes. In a second. He gave you the best weapon possible to get him back for getting you in your garage with a glitch. You would have had the power to follow him around, regardless of him doing missions, races, DMs, etc. How to troll a troll? Friend him and kill him every chance you get till they unfriend you.

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he probably sent you a friend request so he could join you online whenever he wants and troll you again

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