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Upcoming Horror Games


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Alien: Isolation - Released October 7, 2014 - Creative Assembly - PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One.



Dying Light - Released February 2015 - Techland - PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One


Routine - Released Unknown - Lunar Software - PC, Mac
The Evil Within - Released October 21, 2014 - Tango Gameworks - PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One.
Asylum - Released TBA 2014 - Senscape - PC, MAC, Linux, iOS.
Fran Bow - Released Q3/Q4 2014. - Killmonday. - PC, MAC, Linux, iOS, Android, Windows Phone.
Neverending Nightmares - Released Late 2014 - Retro/Grade - PC, MAC, Linux, Ouya.
The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter - Q3 2014 - The Astronauts. - PC.

Until Dawn - 2014 - Supermassive Games - PS3

SOMA - 2015 - Frictional Games - PC, PS4
These are all the upcoming horror games that I know of. If you know of any more, please post them. Keep in mind, a lot of these release dates probably won't end up being true and the game will be pushed back. I believe all of the information is correct. It may not though. Feel free to correct me.
Update - I have removed Daylight, DreadOut, and Outlast: Whistleblower DLC from the list as all three have been released. Daylight got horrible reviews and I watched a playthrough and the reviews got it right. DreadOut is coming out in two parts. Part 1 is out and part 2 will come out as an add on. So far, the reviews haven't been very good. Whistleblower has gotten pretty good reviews and I can say it's scary as hell. Many nights have passed where I could have continued to play it, but refused as I was too scared.

Update 2 - Removed Among The Sleep and The Forest, as both have been released. Among The Sleep has been getting mediocre reviews while most fans so far are enjoying The Forest, but it's also really buggy. It's in alpha stage right now, so it's understandable.
Edited by OnceAgainYoungFitzpatrick
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Alien Isolation looks really good. Completely in the right direction compared to the other sh*tfest alien games.

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Alien Isolation looks really good. Completely in the right direction compared to the other sh*tfest alien games.

Take a look at the rest ;)

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I'm looking forward to the Evil Within, and Alien: Isolation looks like it will be good, despite me usually hating combat free games.


Survival horror is my favorite genre, but it's been stagnant for a long time. Hopefully we can get a bunch of sucessful games in the next couple years to help reboot the genre.


I still wish we'd get the announcement of another Silent Hill game though.

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Nothing else impressed me. Daylight was pretty good too. And the most impressive was Routine.

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We recently had a topic about horror games.


I mentioned STASIS (isometric horror-puzzle game) there:




And Among the Sleep, where you play a kid instead of a grown-up with guns:


Among The Sleep is already in my list. Also, that other horror game thread was started by me and it was regarding the scariest game you've played. This thread is just an informative thread, so people who like survival horror games know what upcoming horror games there are.

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  • 2 months later...

Update - I have removed Daylight, DreadOut, and Outlast: Whistleblower DLC from the list as all three have been released. Daylight got horrible reviews and I watched a playthrough and the reviews got it right. DreadOut is coming out in two parts. Part 1 is out and part 2 will come out as an add on. So far, the reviews haven't been very good. Whistleblower has gotten pretty good reviews and I can say it's scary as hell. Many nights have passed where I could have continued to play it, but refused as I was too scared.

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Wayne Daniels

Thanks for making that list I'm always in search for some new horror games. I'm really looking forward to The Evil Within. 12 Minutes Of Dying Light looks pretty good but his accent kind of annoys me. 2 games I reaaaally want: The Suffering 3 and The Condemned 3...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Among The Sleep was released today (29th of May). It has been getting only mediocre reviews so far...


The alpha version of The Forest should be out tomorrow (30th of May), but who knows.

Edited by OnceAgainYoungFitzpatrick
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Damn the reviews are kind of putting me off now, the demo was good and had a small puzzling element, but what I can tell from the reviews are that there will be more and more puzzles as you progress and they keep getting more boring.


Horror shouldn't be about puzzles damnit! If I had a hallway with nothing in it which I just had to walk through and there was no gameplay, BUT it was scary, then it's good horror!


Think I'll still play it though, at least it's something different once.

Edited by Fireman
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Wow, Daylight really sucked.


P.S: Just ignore metacritic.

Edited by SoftTouch
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Wow, Daylight really sucked.


P.S: Just ignore metacritic.

Yeah, it's tough to go by the fan ratings, as a lot of them are just trolls or the fan gives it a score that the game doesn't deserve, but they just want the overall rating to go higher/lower.


But, I usually stick to the critic ratings.

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Metacritic shows all reviews, pick out the ones that look that they don't suck (as long as the company making the game is small, most reviews are sort-of fair) and read the gameplay features, that's usually enough for me.


Like, all the reviews with "like Slenderman" in it, you can throw away because they're written by a bunch of retards who've never played more than one horror game, which happened to be that sh*tty Slenderman game.

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Among The Sleep and The Forest has been removed from the list.

Most people are enjoying The Forest as of right now. But, since it's still only in alpha stage, it's a buggy mess I guess. Looks pretty cool though.

As always, if you know of any more horror games, let me know and I'll add it to the list.

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I've just started playing Among the Sleep full version and I have to say I'm a bit dissapointed.


Basically the atmosphere is scary, the use of light and sounds is great, but in the end it never turns into anything scary because there's nothing there, no monsters, no ghost, just sounds and (the lack of) light.


The puzzles already got a bit bleh after not even having played for an hour, now as far as I know it's pretty short, so can still finish it I suppose.

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I've just started playing Among the Sleep full version and I have to say I'm a bit dissapointed.


Basically the atmosphere is scary, the use of light and sounds is great, but in the end it never turns into anything scary because there's nothing there, no monsters, no ghost, just sounds and (the lack of) light.


The puzzles already got a bit bleh after not even having played for an hour, now as far as I know it's pretty short, so can still finish it I suppose.

Have you tried The Forest yet?

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No, I'm not planning on playing it if it's still in alpha (it is, right?).


And it looks a bit generic, if the survival part of it would be as good and expanded as Project Zomboid I might try it, but haven't seen much of it yet.

Edited by Fireman
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