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Zero to Sixty Crew [Xbox] [0260]


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Who are we?

We are Zero to Sixty Racing also known as [0260] a Xbox 360 only crew made up of like-minded, active, mature players who have an interest in racing cleanly and strive to develop our member interaction, player skillsets and gain respect within the GTA Online community. We firmly believe more is not better, instead we pride ourselves in always taking quality over quantity.

What makes us different to other racing crews?

  • You do not need to be a Pro-Racer. We do not pick players based on racing skills, we choose players based on their interactions with other crew members and there general attitude when playing whether it be racing or freeroam.

  • Fun Events, Activities, Games and more. It isn't all about racing, although we do participate in many races and tournaments. We also organise meet-ups, special events, mini-games and other fun activities. Some of our activities/games include FIB Escorts, Car Hunts, Emergency Service Flash Mobs and Sea Shark Slide. Most of these activities, events and games have been invented and organised by fellow crew members. There is always an event or three to look forward to.

  • Real Prizes. Our crew offers real prizes, some events will feature a real life prize that if you choose to (optional due to privacy) will be sent directly to your address. Prizes include but aren't limited to Cash Cards, Customised Xbox Controllers, Plush Dolls, Key Chains, Gadgets etc.

  • Creativity Encouraged. We take pride in our members work, you are encouraged to share any Content Creator maps or tracks you've made for our members to test. Your track may even be verified by the crew during a vote resulting in you winning a prize. We also encourage photography, game guides, drawings and any other format. We frequently hold photography competitions.

  • Lots of Opportunities. There is lots of room for inter-crew promotions, we have roles/jobs within the crew that will help it run smoothly these roles include Event Organisers, Graphic Design and Inductors. Once you join the crew and are an active part of the community, frequent events and the forums you may have the opportunity to move up the ranks.

  • Premium Website. This crew was not rushed together overnight nor is it a crew using a freeweb site. Our crew website is on a premium plan on enjin which allows us to design it to our needs and access premium features.

Joining Requirements

1) You must be 16 years of age or older, we want responsible and mature players in our crew.

2) Be an active GTA Online player

3) Treat others with respect and be friendly to all crew members.

4) Have a Rockstar social club account, with public settings.

5) Have your gamertag linked to your Rockstar account.


Crew Website (Under Development but Functional): Zero to Sixty Racing

Rockstar Social Club Crew Page: Zero to Sixty Rockstar Page

How to Apply?

Our website is also new and currently under development, so we ask that you use the form below/

Xbox Gamertag:
Timezone (E.g. + 4:00 GMT):



Edited by WTFThisIsntWii
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Xbox Gamertag - Orvski

Age - 26

Timezone - GMT +11

Country: Australia


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