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Why 1 garage? Maybe because --->


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It's pretty easy to see why R* didn't include multiple garages from the start. They don't game - they didn't get it. But they have to have got it by now. We need multiple properties and garages. It is obvious. So why haven't they? I think I know.


Rockstar need to sell cashcards. Opinions on whether it's good or bad aside, they need to sell them; it's in their business model, it's already set in motion as a goal, they need to do it. Cashcards are one of a bunch of reasons that they need to control glitchers, others being product replayability, studio reputation and retention of their hardcore fan base. What happened when they deleted everyone's ill-gotten cash? "Good thing I've got a garage full of Chradders!" Garages are piggy-banks for cheated money. Rockstar must know this and they'll not be giving cheaters bigger piggy-banks. It may be likely that we'll never get multiple properties until R* figure out how to patch it solid. :(


tl;dr? f*ck off with your glitching because we need more garages!

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I read it all.


I hope we don't have to wait, Rockstar doesn't seem to be able to get the glitching under control, so if that is a prerequisite, better wait for GTA VI.

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But on the flipside of your argument, surely we'd need more money to buy the new properties and cars? So I don't think that really works.

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More properties means more money to spend, More money to spend, means more possible cash card sales. It's a win win!

Edited by Franceska
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If R* simply opened up the option to buy a second garage I'd easily spend ~$10,000,000 on the property + cars inside. Seems like a no-brainer to drive Shark Card sales.

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More properties means more money to spend, More money to spend, means more possible cash card sales. It's a win win!


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I'm sure that the way garages are currently is simply the way it was meant to be designed. There's 10 racing classes and 10 car slots which I figure isn't coincidental.


Extra room in the garage will come in the form of a more expensive garage or a second garage that needs to be bought. Since we need to buy them we'll need money and that pushes card sales. As for your piggy bank theory it'd be very easy for R* to just stop you from selling the cars ala can't sell cars more than 50k.

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Soran Is On

maybe because...kersh kerds




Whoa didn't see that one coming.

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Alec Skorpio

Rockstars logic isn't the best when it comes to this stuff.

You know what I probably would have done at release if everything wasn't locked out by ranks? I probably would have bought cash cards.

Instead, you know what I did? I ranked up and earned cash legit.

Rockstar dun f*cked up.


But you know how they can fix it?

Allowing me multiple properties. Especially ones in Sandy Shores or Chumash.

I'd buy a cash card to get that sh*t quick, I tell you what.


(only cause I'm sick of grinding RR tho)

Edited by liquidussnake119
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Or maybe they want you to play the game instead of just paying to win? It isn't really in their interest to make it too easy to just pay for everything. That drives people away (the ones that can't afford it) and gives their games overall bad press which hurts long time sales.


You want cash cards to be an option, not a necessity to your game because a lot of gamers will be turned off by that.

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OP went full retard. ;)


If they released more properties and even mansions for a million or two million a go! then MORE cash cards would be sold. I 'd buy one straight away.

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Black Rabbit

Trying something today.


Topics I've read today that are fronts for cash card conspiracies: 1

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Yes. Game developers don't game. They have no idea how their customers will use the product.


f*cking moron.

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Trying something today.


Topics I've read today that are fronts for cash card conspiracies: 1

Dude, you are going to drive yourself mad if you try to track that...

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Glitching can be solved in a fast way.


Release an "actual" DLC(Add-On content), no updates in patches.


Would you like to see mansions, gardens, pools and more garage space?


Easy, buy "Mansions add-on content", only $19.99


Gloves, balaclavas, scubagear, military, police, firefighter and paramedic outfits?


You got it, buy "Professions outfits add-on content", only $9.99



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I love these analyses of rockstars multi million dollar business from kids who don't even have a paper route.

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I love these analyses of rockstars multi million dollar business from kids who don't even have a paper route.


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I love these analyses of rockstars multi million dollar business from kids who don't even have a paper route.

This.Exactly this
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A second garage would be good but it's not worth getting too excited about. If it happens, good, if not, no real loss for me. I've got 10 cars that I like but I can only drive 1 at a time.

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This forum cracks me up, everyone thinks there's some grand scheme behind everything R* does. I don't think they even anticipated the demand for more space as it is right now, and 10 was just an arbitrary number they threw out to get started. They could've made it 20, and people would still be complaining it's not enough. I pity them, I don't think some of you will ever really be satisfied.

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Mr. Muramasa

Whoa whoa whoa, are they not already making money off people just buying the game? Also who in their right mind would blow $50 on 3.5 million virtual dollars when... ok what in the game is so valuable you have to invest almost the same amount of money it took to buy the game in the first place? What does $50 real life do for you that 16 runs of coveted can't do and also give you RP? WHERE IS THE POINT. THERE ISN'T ANY REASON TO GET CASH CARDS.

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How do you know they need to sell cash cards and that it's a crucial part of their business model? The game already made lots of profit, cash cards may just as well be something they consider an extra source of income without depending on it.


Also, their reputation is far more important than the profit from cash cards (which I bet isn't even that much). If they push cash cards too hard and make the game suck because of it, that would ruin their reputation and probably cost them much more by missing out on future game sales than it makes them from the cash cards.

Edited by CenMan
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Whoa whoa whoa, are they not already making money off people just buying the game? Also who in their right mind would blow $50 on 3.5 million virtual dollars when... ok what in the game is so valuable you have to invest almost the same amount of money it took to buy the game in the first place? What does $50 real life do for you that 16 runs of coveted can't do and also give you RP? WHERE IS THE POINT. THERE ISN'T ANY REASON TO GET CASH CARDS.

For you there isn't, if you bother to read these forums, and judging by your post you don't, there are people who have little time to play missions to earn enough to buy weapons and cars. I wouldn't either, my time is also short but I like playing the missions and I can wait to be gratified. One man's trash is another man's treasure, pretty simple concept really.

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this gta has the highest amount of car storage. I've got 17 cats saved across the 3 characters. online I have 10. the last gta had parking spots. not garages. PARKING SPOTS (that didn't work online)


I'm pretty happy with my garage full of cars I don't drive.

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Whoa whoa whoa, are they not already making money off people just buying the game? Also who in their right mind would blow $50 on 3.5 million virtual dollars when... ok what in the game is so valuable you have to invest almost the same amount of money it took to buy the game in the first place? What does $50 real life do for you that 16 runs of coveted can't do and also give you RP? WHERE IS THE POINT. THERE ISN'T ANY REASON TO GET CASH CARDS.

For you there isn't, if you bother to read these forums, and judging by your post you don't, there are people who have little time to play missions to earn enough to buy weapons and cars. I wouldn't either, my time is also short but I like playing the missions and I can wait to be gratified. One man's trash is another man's treasure, pretty simple concept really.



I'm pretty sure that's not what that phrase means.

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Black Rabbit

Whoa whoa whoa, are they not already making money off people just buying the game? Also who in their right mind would blow $50 on 3.5 million virtual dollars when... ok what in the game is so valuable you have to invest almost the same amount of money it took to buy the game in the first place? What does $50 real life do for you that 16 runs of coveted can't do and also give you RP? WHERE IS THE POINT. THERE ISN'T ANY REASON TO GET CASH CARDS.


$50 = $3,500,000

16 x Coveted ($18,750) = $300,000


You would need to play Coveted 187 times to make the $3.5 Million.

Average that at 5 minutes a run: 935 minutes = 15.5 hours

Backwards convert that: $50/15.5 hours = $3.23/hour

^^^Grinding Coveted is not worth my (others) time/effort


A lot of people have jobs/school/lifes, so they don't have nearly 16 STRAIGHT hours of grinding the exact same mission over and over and over (boring mission to boot) and would much rather throw down $50 to get some sh*t that they want. I don't care what they do. Nobody should care what others do in regards to cash card purchases.

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So R* continues to punish the people that just play the game legit and want to have a eclectic car collection because of assholes who create a bunch of non-existent 1's and 0's that translate into in game cash to buy essentially more 1's and 0's?


Sounds about right tbh.

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This forum cracks me up, everyone thinks there's some grand scheme behind everything R* does. I don't think they even anticipated the demand for more space as it is right now, and 10 was just an arbitrary number they threw out to get started. They could've made it 20, and people would still be complaining it's not enough. I pity them, I don't think some of you will ever really be satisfied.


I think it's fair to say what Rockstar didn't anticipate was the wannabe hackers gifted millions and billions to everyone. 10 car garages filled up with fully modded vehicles in a matter of minutes after that rather than days or weeks.


You're right about the conspiracy stuff though. This forum costs me a fortune in tin foil. I'm going to have to buy a cash card soon to pay for it.

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I'm blissfully waiting for the day tweenagers blame Shark Cards for something as trivial as police settings or-
No wait, they've went that level of stupid already.

Honestly 1 garage as of now is enough. I only have 6 spaces available (I live in the medium range apartments), yet I only use 2 cars and the other one is barely driven. I pretty much see the same thing with players with 10 cars; it's mainly just for show, they don't really use all 10.

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So R* continues to punish the people that just play the game legit and want to have a eclectic car collection because of assholes who create a bunch of non-existent 1's and 0's that translate into in game cash to buy essentially more 1's and 0's?


Sounds about right tbh.


How exactly are legit players being punished? I don't feel punished.

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