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Heists, Cash Cards, Chrome and RP


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I'm curious as to the apparent aversion to role playing in GTA Online. It seems like the game would lend itself to easily facilitate role playing style game play with it's extensive detailed map and AI. When ever I encounter players attempting role playing, or even if the topic is breached, there is an immediate backlash of ridicule and condemnation. I'm not advocating role playing as I accept the mechanics such as they are but I'm still puzzled by the routine reactions.

Is it due to the inherent perceived effeminate overtone role playing represents? If a player feels attracted to role playing does that frighten them believing they have somehow crossed over into the world of cooperative tree hugging players?

Do role players threaten the standard free roam death match so much so that PvPers resist because they generally worry it may be beyond their ability to compete in the role playing environment?


Will heists, cash cards, or chrome paint contribute to advancing acceptance of role playing's requirements of cooperative, imaginative, intelligent game play or further hinder it's adoption.

TL:DR; heists only going to cover the cost of half your chrome, cash cards for chrome primary.

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The Angel King

I just wanted to point how lame your post is by having you waste your time reading this as I have wasted mine reading yours. Thanks.

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I just wanted to point how lame your post is by having you waste your time reading this as I have wasted mine reading yours. Thanks.

I liked his post just so he'd click on the like notification and be brought back to see my post too, therefore further wasting his time.

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Will heists, cash cards, or chrome paint contribute to advancing acceptance of role playing's requirements of cooperative, imaginative, intelligent game play or further hinder it's adoption.


....what? How are those things even remotely related?

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Savy you're falling behind on your troll fuel. Stock up and make a better post next time ;)

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Will heists, cash cards, or chrome paint contribute to advancing acceptance of role playing's requirements of cooperative, imaginative, intelligent game play or further hinder it's adoption.


....what? How are those things even remotely related?



Because of chrome tanks bought with cash cards being used in heists to get RP?

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The Angel King


I just wanted to point how lame your post is by having you waste your time reading this as I have wasted mine reading yours. Thanks.

I liked his post just so he'd click on the like notification and be brought back to see my post too, therefore further wasting his time.


So you made a post proving how much of a waste of time the O/Ps post was by replying to my post created to waste time in response.....


I didn't click the notification either. Looks like you wasted more time than I did. At least I got a "lol" from you. Thanks for that.

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I just wanted to point how lame your post is by having you waste your time reading this as I have wasted mine reading yours. Thanks.

I liked his post just so he'd click on the like notification and be brought back to see my post too, therefore further wasting his time.


So you made a post proving how much of a waste of time the O/Ps post was by replying to my post created to waste time in response.....


I didn't click the notification either. Looks like you wasted more time than I did. At least I got a "lol" from you. Thanks for that.

"Equal and opposite reaction"



No matter the technicalities.

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