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infernus or turismo ?

judge dread 24

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Biohazard Abyss

Amazing-looking car with amazing acceleration vs 2nd ugliest car in the game that doesn't require a brain to drive


Hmm, hard choice :sigh:


Gonna have to go with Infernus.

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Style- Infernus (If you're a Wolf of Wall Street fan)

Speed- Turismo

Exactly the 2 super cars I have for those very reasons. Also if you are not going to be doing very competitive races the infernus's preformence is plenty for freemode and messing around with friends. Infernus has 4th best performance IMO. Only entity, adder and turismo can beat it, and if there is lots of turns it can edge out the adder. Plus the infernus has AWD which gives it good off road traction. Then there is price, the infernus is 160,000 cheeper and a much better bang for your buck.

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Zoots Remuvah

+1 on both.. Infernus ooozes style.. Turismo is a dream to drive.. So much so I went and bought a shiney new bright pink infernus this morning..

Edited by Doktor Gott
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Turismo if you want a good looking, fast car.

Infernus if you want a dodgy looking cut and shut job with a bullet proof arse.

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