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I posted in another thread that I got 5000 RP for doing RR in Free Aim. I usually only switch when I'm doing Buzzard missions.


If your going to farm this mission take the time to switch to Free Aim you'll get more RP and then the auto aim lobbys might get another mission when we quick select.


Farming Coveted would be just as easy, sniper is always free aim.


What do you think, can we move the farming to the Free Aim lobbys and open up some other missions in assisted aim play?

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Everybody I play with has moved to free aim. Free aim also forces skills to be used so your less likely to gunned out of your car or blasted from a block away with a rifle.

OK, we know you guys are the SH*T! But at least with these 2 missions Free aim is pretty easy.


and it forces a different skill to be used, a skill that bears no resemblance to actual shooting skills. I think some of you FA's forget that.

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Everybody I play with has moved to free aim. Free aim also forces skills to be used so your less likely to gunned out of your car or blasted from a block away with a rifle.

OK, we know you guys are the SH*T! But at least with these 2 missions Free aim is pretty easy.


and it forces a different skill to be used, a skill that bears no resemblance to actual shooting skills. I think some of you FA's forget that.


So maybe you can practice your aiming skills, after a bit realize that free aim combat is much more enjoyable, and finallly join the dark side ;)



Anyway, on topic, if you're an auto aim user you can easily make the switch for Rooftop Rumble.

Let's say you have a car with the rear being bulletproof and using your car as a shield against ennemies. Being in AA or FA won't make any difference, since you're always free aiming from a car.


So yeah, you get 5000 RP on hard in FA, really useful to level up (3 or 4 times the mission for 1 level).

How much RP you get in auto aim ? (I have no idea since I never do missions in AA)

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So maybe you can practice your aiming skills, after a bit realize that free aim combat is much more enjoyable, and finallly join the dark side ;)


Turns out I've probably been playing in more FA Lobbys than assisted.


I thought there was some secret handshake or something, didnt know that just selecting free - aim put me in heaven :blink:

Edited by jcph3
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start in or go to single player and go to the settings options in the pause menu. If I'm not mistaken it's under control settings (or near it). and change the traditional or assisted to free aim. Unfortunately once you go online with a selected aiming option, you cannot change it until you leave online. Take this time to adjust the sensitivity as well although you can change that while you're online.

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I think the game is more fun on free aim. I find that auto aim is just pressing buttons. Not much of a challenge. Plus the auto aim can also get you killed.

As opposed to Free Aim where you what? use a real gun and pull the trigger?


Free Aim is pushing buttons! (maybe my new signature line)

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