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If GTA V Were To Take It To Another Level


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Kind of thought up this forum game. Basically you take a gameplay feature in GTA V. And then you think of what would happen if it was exaggerated or taken to the next level. I'm sure people will come up with better/funnier ideas than me.


I'll do an example:

Original gameplay: Usually when you murder someone a pedestrian call the police.

Exaggerated gameplay: If you punch someone or steal a car the police are notified.


Okay here is my actual one: Singleplayer campaign is as long as COD singleplayer campaigns. And online is all Rockstar care about.


^Not the best but it will do for now.

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Your joking right? Was this some sort of way to mask your childish complaint?

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Your joking right? Was this some sort of way to mask your childish complaint?

Every game has its flaws. I'm pointing it out and exaggerating them. I'm not looking for the problems to be resolved. And neither do they bother me to the point where i want to file a complaint to rockstar. I'd rather people ignore mine as I know they weren't good. But I'm sure people could come up with more funnier ones if this game is done right.


Edit: if I did have a serious complaint I wouldn't go to the effort of covering it up.

Edited by Tempahrelapse
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