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Uh oh gta moral dilemma


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So I'm a level 129 and I have everything in the game thanks to my billionaire days and when the business dlc dropped I had enough for the jester and turismo but after that was bought I had only 500k left


In real life I'm a neuromedicine student, who owns his own business and plays for the #1 university soccer team in Canada so time is a little hard to come by some times and I'm in one of those periods right now


That being said I decided I should hit up YouTube and use the newest money glitch just to buy the vestra even though I'm pretty anti glitching and filled my first 10 car super/sport/coupe garage legitimately (in the summer when I did have time haha)


Now here's the dilemma, I found a way to make

750k every 5 mins with the glitch instead of 130k every 5 mins with the glitch, I'm pretty sure if I reveal this a lot of people will be back to billions but rockstar will catch a lot of people again aka later delaying heists/mansions/future dlc


So what should I do? Help the public and reveal the glitch or keep it to myself let people do it at a slow pace and hope rockstar releases 1.12 and kills it ASAP

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I just want heists and more sh*t to do mannnnn I love this game but there's really nothing left to do

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If you're anti-glitch, report it. If not, don't.


I doubt the method is new though.

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Jolly Swagman

If you have a moral delimma about glitching money and don't have the time to grind for it, why not buy a cash card? I'm serious too, this isn't meant to be a cash card joke.

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Pretty sure people have found that exploit & shared it.

But as to your "dilemma". Don't care...I've never exploited a thing in GTA.

Cheers on you being a neuromedicine student, I myself will be entering my specialist degree next fall.

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haha, the public already knows man


When doing the lsc glitch, instead of calling for rebel, waiting for rebel, going into lsc; put front two tires in entrance of lsc, call mechanic (but don't order anything yet), drive into lsc, quickly select rebel and hit right on d-pad, click sell ONCE (should say 7XX,XXX if adder), wait for loading symbol in lower left corner (should take about 10 seconds or so), then sell the vehicle


Edited by I3AZZAI2
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I'm just anti glitch in the sense that I don't do it, don't like to ruin anyone else's fun though


f*ck YouTube, so many rules and regulations it's so hard to make money or I woulda make so much off my FIFA channel (had the first trick tutorial for FIFA 07 ever) plus I don't need the money


Cause if I can make the same amount of money quick by spending real money or glitching then I'd rather glitch even though it was considering buying the 10$ cash card


Thanks bro you'll enjoy it if you enjoy medicine, too much to study some days though, Immunobiology exam tomorrow too but thankfully that's at 7pm

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Decisions, decisions...



Does it really matter? Will acting one way or another really change anything in the long-run? Besides, if you found it, then the people who're really looking for new exploits will too eventually, with or without help.



Also, you already kinda sorta made it public when you made this thread.

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As gay as this sounds I want gta to become world of war like ( I've never played but my little brother does and I love how it's always expanding) so the more hacks and sh*t that are released the longer it's gonna take for them to start feeling secure with doing cool sh*t

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Now here's the dilemma, I found a way to make

750k every 5 mins with the glitch instead of 130k every 5 mins with the glitch, I'm pretty sure if I reveal this a lot of people will be back to billions but rockstar will catch a lot of people again aka later delaying heists/mansions/future dlc


So what should I do? Help the public and reveal the glitch or keep it to myself let people do it at a slow pace and hope rockstar releases 1.12 and kills it ASAP

Have you've been living under a rock?


That glitch has been known since 1.10 the 1.11 patch didn't remove it that's why it still out there


If you do it don't overdo it people have been banned including one member here on the forum just glitch what you need.

Edited by AiraCobra
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Pretending to be a "white knight" for the gaming community is beyond a cliché and beyond asinine. There's no such thing.


Reading your post (I shouldn't have) it's pretty clear that it's rhetorical, I.E. you should have answered your own question by the end of your thought process.


If not, loss is on you.

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You arent special, everyone knows this glitch, move along people.

So I'm a level 129 and I have everything in the game thanks to my billionaire days and when the business dlc dropped I had enough for the jester and turismo but after that was bought I had only 500k left

In real life I'm a neuromedicine student, who owns his own business and plays for the #1 university soccer team in Canada so time is a little hard to come by some times and I'm in one of those periods right now

That being said I decided I should hit up YouTube and use the newest money glitch just to buy the vestra even though I'm pretty anti glitching and filled my first 10 car super/sport/coupe garage legitimately (in the summer when I did have time haha)

Now here's the dilemma, I found a way to make
750k every 5 mins with the glitch instead of 130k every 5 mins with the glitch, I'm pretty sure if I reveal this a lot of people will be back to billions but rockstar will catch a lot of people again aka later delaying heists/mansions/future dlc

So what should I do? Help the public and reveal the glitch or keep it to myself let people do it at a slow pace and hope rockstar releases 1.12 and kills it ASAP

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If people already know it then lock and kill this thread


I didn't find anything on YouTube and I guessed that's where all glitch videos are so I thought it was just me

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If people already know it then lock and kill this thread


I didn't find anything on YouTube and I guessed that's where all glitch videos are so I thought it was just me

I like how the tldr version is

I have found a glitch, should I tell you how to do it?

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You mean the glitch that everyone in the official glitch topic already knows? Lol...

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You should buy a cash card so rockstar has more money to give us free DLC. You'll be doing the community a favor, gaming white knight

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So I'm a level 129 and I have everything in the game thanks to my billionaire days and when the business dlc dropped I had enough for the jester and turismo but after that was bought I had only 500k left


In real life I'm a neuromedicine student, who owns his own business and plays for the #1 university soccer team in Canada so time is a little hard to come by some times and I'm in one of those periods right now


That being said I decided I should hit up YouTube and use the newest money glitch just to buy the vestra even though I'm pretty anti glitching and filled my first 10 car super/sport/coupe garage legitimately (in the summer when I did have time haha)


Now here's the dilemma, I found a way to make

750k every 5 mins with the glitch instead of 130k every 5 mins with the glitch, I'm pretty sure if I reveal this a lot of people will be back to billions but rockstar will catch a lot of people again aka later delaying heists/mansions/future dlc


So what should I do? Help the public and reveal the glitch or keep it to myself let people do it at a slow pace and hope rockstar releases 1.12 and kills it ASAP

Rockstar won`t delay heists because you, or others will cheat. They delay content because they are THAT incompetent, or the game was pushed THAT early.


This being said, instead of cheating, you could use some of those money from your own business and buy one or more cash cards. If you don`t want out of principle, well, cheating CANNOT be justified, in ANY circumstance. Set up a "grind schedule" for your free time, or go towards a less grindy game.

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Gaming white knight lmao I'll call myself lord phantom. I'm sorry I'm watching game of thrones high right now and that's hilarious


If I can do something for free or I can pay to do it, I'll 100% of the time pick free -_-

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Gaming white knight lmao I'll call myself lord phantom. I'm sorry I'm watching game of thrones high right now and that's hilarious


If I can do something for free or I can pay to do it, I'll 100% of the time pick free -_-


Please stay in Canada, kthxbye.

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I wouldn't come to the states if you payed me


Canada rules

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Gaming white knight lmao I'll call myself lord phantom. I'm sorry I'm watching game of thrones high right now and that's hilarious


If I can do something for free or I can pay to do it, I'll 100% of the time pick free -_-

So, a future neuro surgeon trolling.... that`s a first. Or you aren`t one, which might lead to a safe assumption that you`re lying about your business as well.


Don`t they teach you to talk less and do more at school?

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If people already know it then lock and kill this thread


I didn't find anything on YouTube and I guessed that's where all glitch videos are so I thought it was just me

Then where did you find it?


You didn't just figure it out yourself you found it somewhere

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If you think I'm lying that's fine, I don't really have much I can do to prove you wrong on a forum, even if I did care enough to do so


Air cobra: all the ones on YouTube show you how to make 130k per adder sale but I found out that 1 simple step makes that 750k but it's apparently well known anyways

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Gaming white knight lmao I'll call myself lord phantom. I'm sorry I'm watching game of thrones high right now and that's hilarious


If I can do something for free or I can pay to do it, I'll 100% of the time pick free -_-

So, a future neuro surgeon trolling.... that`s a first. Or you aren`t one, which might lead to a safe assumption that you`re lying about your business as well.


Don`t they teach you to talk less and do more at school?


I think he's getting his training from the Cartoon Network Brain Surgeon game and his business is selling used video games to Gamestop whenever his momma won't give him money

If you think I'm lying that's fine, I don't really have much I can do to prove you wrong on a forum, even if I did care enough to do so


Air cobra: all the ones on YouTube show you how to make 130k per adder sale but I found out that 1 simple step makes that 750k but it's apparently well known anyways

So then enlighten us how did you find this out?


We're all dying to know surely someone who owns his own business and is studying to be a brain surgeon wouldn't have the time to sit around and tinker with difference things to find out a glitch.

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Yeah you got me


Ooooh someone call the fire department


Cause I just got burned


Read 6th post of forum under spoiler, he's right that's what I did...really close to that

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