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Police Cruiser vs Police Interceptor


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On Youtube, there's this guy who has a Car vs Car series and in the videos, he compares two cars against each other. You can request comparisons in the comments sections of his videos.


Anyway, I usually read through the comments to see what other people have requested, and there's always one guy who keeps requesting Police Cruiser vs Police Interceptor. After reading his comments so many times, I'm beginning to wonder which car is better as well.


So, I'm asking you guys...which police car is better?


I think these are the cars the commenter was referring to.


Police Cruiser:




Police Interceptor:





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Sugar Free Nos

These two vehicles are very different performance wise.


This is almost like comparing a sedan to a sports car.


The Interceptor is much better in every respect.



Police Buffalo is better than both, though. That's just fact.

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Well the Interceptor is obviously faster, but the cruiser looks better if you ask me. It's a shame it doesn't show up online.

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IRL both cars are made for speed and preformance but the interceptor is better then the cruiser.


I think in the next GTA the cruiser will fade out just as they are in real life with depts opting for the better interceptors and dodge chargers.

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IRL both cars are made for speed and preformance but the interceptor is better then the cruiser.


I think in the next GTA the cruiser will fade out just as they are in real life with depts opting for the better interceptors and dodge chargers.


Nah, they will still be widely used in the future.


The Interceptor may be faster, but the cruiser looks a lot better and old school. Why isn't it the main police vehicle?


I hate how they just stuck 'POLICE' on the side of the interceptor as if it was a toy. It just kills the whole car.

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Biohazard Abyss

Matte black police Buffalo with GT Chrome rims.

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Matte black police Buffalo with GT Chrome rims.


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I wish they patch the game so the police cruiser (LSPD "Classic" version) and police buffalo spawn, as well as the police bike (Saw a player driving one on ps3, VERY rare supposedly)

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I don't understand why the police cruiser (better looking out of the two IMO) doesn't spawn Online...

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I like all police cars. Buffalo has the best performance, Interceptor has visual mods, Cruiser is a classic.

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Cruiser is only better at strength and durability. Interceptor is better at everything else.

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Hector Tavares

Interceptor is faster but is less durable due to being tasked with pursuing players.

Cruiser is slower but is more durable due to being tasked with street patrols.

Now if we could store these..

I like the way you think there. :):lol:

Edited by ZDUPH
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zZ Lithium Zz

Who knows. MAYBE we will get a cop DLC that adds cops n crooks and the ability to store police vehicles.

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