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game froze... again.

Legit Complainer

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Legit Complainer

game froze again for about the tenth time in the past week, no exaggeration. this is becoming downright unacceptable. im getting pissed that rockstar's so called "patches" are putting my damn console at risk every single time that i have to restart it. not to mention that those incompetent idiots actually have the audacity to still state that WE are the ones responsbile for their screw-ups. couldnt they face legal charges from all of this? im not saying im gonna sue them, but it's just ridiculous that for two weeks now they havent even acknowledged the fact that their update has made things worse than better. and for those of you passive morons who say "just get over it", i hope your system locks up permanently so that your single-digit IQs dont dumb this game down more than the people who developed it.

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I was with you and though you might actually have a real legit complaint for once then i read your comments


You keep your mouth open a bit to long sometimes when it should've been shut.


This could have been a good legit complaint thread if you had stayed on topic.

Edited by AiraCobra
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It happened to me a little over an hour ago. I'm pretty sure someone was f*cking around with hex-edited vehicles (someone made a comment over VC suggesting this), and that's what caused it. I just said f*ck it, and turned the system off. It happens fairly often since 1.11, but I can't tell if it's R* or hackers toying with things they shouldn't be.

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WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Dont play the game than. This is not an official rockstar support forum. Complaining here will get you nowhere.

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Legit Complainer

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Dont play the game than. This is not an official rockstar support forum. Complaining here will get you nowhere.

lol as if complaining on the so called "support forums", which ive done as well, will do anything either.

Want a f*cking tissue?

want a brain implant?

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WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Dont play the game than. This is not an official rockstar support forum. Complaining here will get you nowhere.

lol as if complaining on the so called "support forums", which ive done as well, will do anything either.

Want a f*cking tissue?

want a brain implant?


I never said it would help anymore... I just said this was not the support forums.

We all know that rockstar support sucks, they just do not answer, this forum is full of Children.

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last night had a console freeze after doing a coveted playlist,could not log back into psn for an hour.

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Legit Complainer.

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Want a f*cking tissue?

want a brain implant?

Ooooh somebody call the burn unit cuz you got buuuurned!!!!




Dude you're not very bright are you?

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Gotta love these forums, right OP?


Even when you complain about an obvious, frequently occurring issue...The retards show up to flame you in full force.


Either this has somehow miraculously never happened to them, or they just don't care for whatever reason.

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Legit Complainer



Want a f*cking tissue?

want a brain implant?

Ooooh somebody call the burn unit cuz you got buuuurned!!!!




Dude you're not very bright are you?


what does my brightness have anything to do with rockstar's negligence, "dude"? are you saying that youre perfectly ok with all this? or are you implying that he's right and that i should just grab some tissues and watch my harddrive turn into mush?

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Gotta love these forums, right OP?


Even when you complain about an obvious, frequently occurring issue...The retards show up to flame you in full force.


Either this has somehow miraculously never happened to them, or they just don't care for whatever reason.

Normally, A good way to get your point across, avoid getting flamed & sound legitimate is to not start throwing insults & temper tantrums left & right.

Edited by Xyn
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Legit Complainer


Gotta love these forums, right OP?


Even when you complain about an obvious, frequently occurring issue...The retards show up to flame you in full force.


Either this has somehow miraculously never happened to them, or they just don't care for whatever reason.

Normally, A good way to get your point across, avoid getting flamed & sound legitimate is to not start throwing insults & temper tantrums left & right.


this has been a problem for about 2 weeks now. considering that it's not a minor problem and that tons of people have been diplomatically waiting for a solution or AT LEAST a recognition of the problem, which we have not gotten, my "tantrums" are justified. now please, go sit and watch your console freeze every hour. i guess that that'll make me feel better.

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this has been a problem for about 2 weeks now. considering that it's not a minor problem and that tons of people have been diplomatically waiting for a solution or AT LEAST a recognition of the problem, which we have not gotten, my "tantrums" are justified.




A tantrum is never justified...If the game is so defective for you, sell it or stop playing. Simple.






now please, go sit and watch your console freeze every hour. i guess that that'll make me feel better.


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Soran Is On

You take a pissy whiny hostile attitude in a forum that can't do anything for you.


You expectng f*cking praise like "oh thank god someone finally said it! Congrats op! You've finally cracked the case, this will surely get rockstar to pull the servers offline until they fix the game. Geeze not sure what we would have done without you OP, good thing you came along and made this thread or gta online would be lost forever."


You can get the f*ck out now.

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Legit Complainer


this has been a problem for about 2 weeks now. considering that it's not a minor problem and that tons of people have been diplomatically waiting for a solution or AT LEAST a recognition of the problem, which we have not gotten, my "tantrums" are justified.




A tantrum is never justified...If the game is so defective for you, sell it or stop playing. Simple.






now please, go sit and watch your console freeze every hour. i guess that that'll make me feel better.



second part made me lol. as for the first part, the reason why i put quotes around it was to show that it may be a tantrum in YOUR eyes, but not mine. i have the right to be upset about something as annoying as this. imo a tantrum would have been me saying "god dammit rockstar! fix it now! f*ck you and i hope your family dies of cancer!" and trust me, i have read some posts like that before.

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Gotta love these forums, right OP?


Even when you complain about an obvious, frequently occurring issue...The retards show up to flame you in full force.


Either this has somehow miraculously never happened to them, or they just don't care for whatever reason.

He DID have a legit complaint about the console freezing which a lot of people are having and MANY threads have been made about ALREADY and THAT is where he should have left it but then he went out to left field and started insulting people and throwing a hissy fit because people don't agree with him so he insults em


That's the main reason why he's being "flamed" not because of his complaint

Edited by AiraCobra
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Legit Complainer

You take a pissy whiny hostile attitude in a forum that can't do anything for you.


You expectng f*cking praise like "oh thank god someone finally said it! Congrats op! You've finally cracked the case, this will surely get rockstar to pull the servers offline until they fix the game. Geeze not sure what we would have done without you OP, good thing you came along and made this thread or gta online would be lost forever."


You can get the f*ck out now.

LOLOLOLOLOL oh the irony. the guy who's mad at me on my own thread keeps coming back to complain about my complaints. why dont you get out? it seems that you have nothing to add to this thread aside from praising rockstar's faults. even if the forum cant do anything, i can post here if i wish. i dont care about fools like you who are ok with consoles freezing, im only concerned with engaging in discussions with smart people who also think that this is an issue. i dont need praise.

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Welcome to Thread #72 on this issue.


People need to learn how to use the search function sometimes I swear..

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Yeah lol, its hackers breaking your xbox/ps3. They are causing critical system failure and ruining your GTA.

Of course its R*, I've had that sh*t happen in invite only free roams

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You take a pissy whiny hostile attitude in a forum that can't do anything for you.


You expectng f*cking praise like "oh thank god someone finally said it! Congrats op! You've finally cracked the case, this will surely get rockstar to pull the servers offline until they fix the game. Geeze not sure what we would have done without you OP, good thing you came along and made this thread or gta online would be lost forever."


You can get the f*ck out now.

LOLOLOLOLOL oh the irony. the guy who's mad at me on my own thread keeps coming back to complain about my complaints. why dont you get out? it seems that you have nothing to add to this thread aside from praising rockstar's faults. even if the forum cant do anything, i can post here if i wish. i dont care about fools like you who are ok with consoles freezing, im only concerned with engaging in discussions with smart people who also think that this is an issue. i dont need praise.


He's pretending he thinks it's funny but in reality he's mad because we don't agree with him and aren't up and arms with the rhetoric he's spewing

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Soran Is On

Didn't praise anything. Calling you a jackass for beating a dead horse on this issue. Youre not special, your hard drive will be fine, bitching at us is pretty pointless. Did you read the responses you got? That should tell you, you need to think a little more or read a little more before bringing up a topic to discuss.

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Legit Complainer



You take a pissy whiny hostile attitude in a forum that can't do anything for you.


You expectng f*cking praise like "oh thank god someone finally said it! Congrats op! You've finally cracked the case, this will surely get rockstar to pull the servers offline until they fix the game. Geeze not sure what we would have done without you OP, good thing you came along and made this thread or gta online would be lost forever."


You can get the f*ck out now.

LOLOLOLOLOL oh the irony. the guy who's mad at me on my own thread keeps coming back to complain about my complaints. why dont you get out? it seems that you have nothing to add to this thread aside from praising rockstar's faults. even if the forum cant do anything, i can post here if i wish. i dont care about fools like you who are ok with consoles freezing, im only concerned with engaging in discussions with smart people who also think that this is an issue. i dont need praise.


He's pretending he thinks it's funny but in reality he's mad because we don't agree with him and aren't up and arms with the rhetoric he's spewing


not pretending bro, i think that dumb responses are hilarious. yes im mad about the freezing but not these priceless pieces of feedback that i get. i dont need you to agree with me on the fact that consoles freezing is a nuisance, that's what common sense is for. i'll let you decide whether or not you have it.

Didn't praise anything. Calling you a jackass for beating a dead horse on this issue. Youre not special, your hard drive will be fine, bitching at us is pretty pointless. Did you read the responses you got? That should tell you, you need to think a little more or read a little more before bringing up a topic to discuss.

never said i was special. as for my harddrive, i can only hope so. it's still irritating nonetheless when it's once every f*cking day, sometimes more. and im not bitching at you either. thats what youre doing, so im doing it back. the responses that i got only go to show how foolish some people are and how they will simply ignore big problems and criticize those who point them out. might explain why the world is in its current condition right now, but that's separate.

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Soran Is On

The only thing you, I, or anyone else on these forums can do is ignore it. So why make the 78th thread on this today?


That ignore thing sounds pretty good actually, you just made my list. My own little personal way of making you GTFO. take care now. Oh and "have a great day"

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Legit Complainer

you too. since you pointlessly came onto here and did not add anything to the thread and are now boasting about your insignificant ignore list despite knowing that im still annoyed, have a nice day. bye bye.

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