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Official Reason R* Removed "Replay" for Missions?


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If we are allowed to select Online > Jobs > Host Job > Rockstar Created > Missions > (Name of Mission) immediately upon returning to Free Roam...why not just allow us to vote "Replay" for missions?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Rockstar actually dedicated time and effort to PREVENT us from voting "Replay"...


Simply allowing us to vote "Replay" would have required no action on their part after Online launched.


So why is it so important to Rockstar that we wait to spawn in Free Roam, then launch the mission again?

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Gota love that R* logic. Let's take away re-play and then give them the option to re-play whenever they want.

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Answer: It makes grinding harder. That's right. They're trying to discourage grinding in a game built for grinding. :sigh:


(Some people here would also suggest that reduced grinding = reduced income = pressure to purchase cash cards). :whistle:

Edited by 2281
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Because rockstar considers its not how they want the game to be played. to many here, anyone who replays missions are just as bad as hackers.

Edited by kasheku
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I also want to know why they disabled Docks to Stocks 1 & 2.

BS i played it the other day .. dont tell me they took it out ?

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Because rockstar considers its not how they want the game to be played. to many here, anyone who replays missions are just as bad as hackers.

Lol, wut?
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I also want to know why they disabled Docks to Stocks 1 & 2.


BS i played it the other day .. dont tell me they took it out ?

Docks to Stock 2 is in my mission list but if I try to start it, I return to freemode.

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To actually answer your question instead of just posting the typical forum bs conspiracy;


They originally said they removed the Replay button shortly after launch because the Replay button was originally made for VS/CO-OP missions not NPC missions (unless you failed apparently). The new start menu option came a few months after they made this decision.

Edited by Odesza
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Holy sh*t. 11 replies and I didn't read the words "Cash Cards" once.

Lol surprising.

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You should know they are not encouraging you to grind for money. They don't say it directly, but they say it through action.


Skeletons in the closet. Itching to come outside.

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Maybe they don't want players grinding missions, cause it'll lead to players getting bored of the game quicker and turning off?

In 1:10 even with the removal of the replay button it became much easier to make cash, so the "cash cards" brigade can suck my dick.

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...with the removal of the replay button it became much easier to make cash, so the "cash cards" brigade can suck my dick.

That's what perplexes me. Why not keep or should I say re-introduce the replay for missions if you allow us to pick missions from a list on demand?

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Holy sh*t. 11 replies and I didn't read the words "Cash Cards" once.


so did you just not read the fifth reply on the thread then?? in case you missed it...



Answer: It makes grinding harder. That's right. They're trying to discourage grinding in a game built for grinding. :sigh:


(Some people here would also suggest that reduced grinding = reduced income = pressure to purchase cash cards). :whistle:

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...with the removal of the replay button it became much easier to make cash, so the "cash cards" brigade can suck my dick.

That's what perplexes me. Why not keep or should I say re-introduce the replay for missions if you allow us to pick missions from a list on demand?

The hope that players would do lots of different jobs rather than just soloing the same mission again and again and again?

It's not really worked though.

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Why does Rockstar care about what missions players choose to play?


Clearly they only play missions that suit they're desires. RR or Coveted for grinding and all the other ones if you are bored.

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If we are allowed to select Online > Jobs > Host Job > Rockstar Created > Missions > (Name of Mission) immediately upon returning to Free Roam...why not just allow us to vote "Replay" for missions?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Rockstar actually dedicated time and effort to PREVENT us from voting "Replay"...


Simply allowing us to vote "Replay" would have required no action on their part after Online launched.


So why is it so important to Rockstar that we wait to spawn in Free Roam, then launch the mission again?


I see no harm in this. Constantly grinding Coveted and Rooftop Rumble (oh how I hate those missions) is boring and there are other, more interesting and fun missions to play. Adds to the satisfaction when I end up with a bunch of high speed grinding Rambos when I troll these missions and everyone ends up back in free-roam.

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The actual Online state is inconsistent anyway.


We can't replay a mission direclty but by accessing the menu.

The contacts are supposed to give those missions randomly, accessing any mission any time makes contacts useless.

We can own a Rumpo, but it has no mods.

We can own a rusty Rebel, but not a rusty Totnado or such.

R* brought down the races payouts but didn't fix the bug that give 100% more money yet.

The silly passive mode...


Edited by jdwarfer
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So what is the consensus? Is it just a way to throw a metal rod into our tractors?

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Yeah I've been thinking the same thing ever since they irtroduced missions to the start menu. Not having the replay option serves no function now.


Oh to the people saying cash cards, get out of here with that sh*t already. If they really wanted to make grinding harder in order to sell cash cards they would have never made the missions available from the start menu.

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We had the Replay Option - Rocksar Removed it.

Then we had the Restart Option - Rockstar Removed it.

Now you can Re-Host - They will probably removed soon.

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At this point, wouldn't they want to encourage us to play the game, period, even if it means *gasp* us making a lot lf money?


A. The consoles your game uses are getting more obsolete by the day.


B. Hackers and glitchers have more incentive to exploit the game the more time consuming and boring it is to make money legitimately.


C. You have an inconsistent and unexplained manner of dealing with mission replayability and mission payouts.

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How does that make sense?

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