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[GTAO] Idea/Suggestion Topic


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This is a topic to let your ideas roam free! Hopefully R* will take some actual suggestions into consideration for their next 2 or 3 updates to come.


This is just MY list, feel free to post your own!

-Own multiple garages[[Reasoning; If you're like me you don't like giving up cars, but also buy tons every month, so I'd really prefer to be able to own multiple 10 car garages]]


-Own actual houses, the million dollar houses in the hills, for example. (The multiple garage thing would come in handy here considering these houses wouldn't have giant garages.) [[Reasoning; If you're like me you don't exactly like the apartments, I'd love to own a house like franklin's in online, that'd be great.]]


-Cutout the garage pulling in/driving out cutscene. [[Reasoning; I can't tell you how many times some a**hole has decided to camp or wait on garage doors ((it's the worst for the 400k apartment)) and kill whoever pulls in or out, because we can't do anything about it due to the un-needed cutscene. Then usually they'll blow up the car.]]


-*Add-on to the garage cutscene suggestion* Give us 10 second invincibility when pulling out of the garage. If R* won't take out the cutscene, then give us some way to survive when pulling out please?


Like I said guys, feel free to post YOUR suggestions and ideas below!



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Hopefully R* will take some actual suggestions into consideration for their next 2 or 3 updates to come.



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Hopefully R* will take some actual suggestions into consideration for their next 2 or 3 updates to come.




This made me crack a chile. (chuckle smile) But yeah R* hasn't listened this far so why would they now? (1.11 was a DLC, when much of the game still has problems and many suggestions un-read, but no, they decide 3 alright cars and 2 alright guns will solve it all. hehe.)

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Aero Dynamo


Hopefully R* will take some actual suggestions into consideration for their next 2 or 3 updates to come.



More like, 2 or 3 Generations to come....



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Jolly Swagman

Isn't there already an Official DLC wish list around here somewhere?

There are that many threads that are just lists of people ideas that we are soon going to need a specific thread just for listing all the different threads where people list their ideas

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