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Any idea how much the Mansions will cost?


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I know it hasn't been confirmed (or has it) about Mansions but it's pretty obvious there will be more properties to own. Having said that, have any of you guys been saving up for when they release it? If so, how much money do you think would be sufficient enough?

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I dont know why anyone want a mansion with a two spot garage..

but if we are talking money.. you need to save like 1.500.000$ for a mansion like Michaels mansion

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I thinks they need cashcard sales, so Im gonna say 5mil


I dont know why anyone want a mansion with a two spot garage..
but if we are talking money.. you need to save like 1.500.000$ for a mansion like Michaels mansion

Your right about the garage, unless it is "underground" it doesn't sound like the mansions would even be anything besides an interior for heists and changing clothes. Still we could maybe be able to get multiple properties.

Edited by Shade04rek
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I think the 5-10 million guess others have made is probably pretty accurate. I would think it depends on location, and if the current apartments were any indicator, view. I would only buy one if I could own in in addition to my current property, or if it had a larger garage than I have now.

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My best guess, based off of the cost of other items in-game. 5-15 M range.


Huh? on what is that based?

a appartement highest price was 400.000$

a car highest price was 1.000.000$

a plane highest price was 1.500.000$

Military vehicle was 1.500.000$

a mansion cost 15.000.000$ = making no sense

Edited by Delminator
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I think the most expensive house in Malibu is around $57M so if you wanna get a high end one in Chumash, its gonna cost loads of $$$ so I'm guessing around $10-$15M range since anything above $20M in-game would just be ridiculous

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My best guess, based off of the cost of other items in-game. 5-15 M range.

Huh? on what is that bases?

a appartement highest price was 400.000$

a car highest price was 1.000.000$

a plane highest price was 1.500.000$

Military vehicle was 1.500.000$

a mansion cost 15.000.000$ = making no sense


Cash cards.....makes all the sense in the world to R*

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Anything beyond $5 million would be just asking for it, unless these "heists" will make it easier.

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Unless R* releases a 10mil cash card then i don't think they'll cost as much as 3 cash cards worth of 3.5mil.

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I would guess between 3-10 million. Probably staggered in price like apartments are now. This would be the best way for R* to generate revenue from cash cards. Purchasable mansions would cause more people to buy cash cards than anything else.


But atm there is no evidence to suggest that mansions will ever be purchasable.

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I dont know why anyone want a mansion with a two spot garage..

but if we are talking money.. you need to save like 1.500.000$ for a mansion like Michaels mansion

What makes you think it'll be a two spot garage?

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Sugar Free Nos

For the love of sweet baby Kraff,











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The real question is why would you buy it?


I would prefer 10 car set-ups in the desert.

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I dont know why anyone want a mansion with a two spot garage..

but if we are talking money.. you need to save like 1.500.000$ for a mansion like Michaels mansion

What makes you think it'll be a two spot garage?


I agree, 2, 3, 4 car at most. You'll be able to keep your apartment garage, but the house garage doesn't make physical sense to have a 10 car garage unless it's huge.


The apartments have underground garages so it works.

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The same thing you think mansions will become available..

I hope more space will be there in a mansion. but im realistic.. Every mansion i see have a garage box with 1 or 2 gates.. without a underground passage to a possible underground parkinglot...

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I can't imagine they would expect people to pay more than $20 USD in cash cards for a house.

I'd say it maxes at or around 2M

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but if we are talking money.. you need to save like 1.500.000$ for a mansion like Michaels mansion

Michael has a nice house, I wouldn't call it a mansion? and he's only got a 2 car garage.


This is what I think of when someone says Mansion



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but if we are talking money.. you need to save like 1.500.000$ for a mansion like Michaels mansion


Michael has a nice house, I wouldn't call it a mansion? and he's only got a 2 car garage.


This is what I think of when someone says Mansion



Did you ever encounterd a mansion like that in the game with a for sale sign outside?

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Did I miss something, a R* announcement or newswire update? ...if not, we might as we'll be guessing how many unicorns R* will allow us to have in our stables.


I'd say 2 cars and 2 unicorns.

Edited by Cvxxi
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Sugar Free Nos

Did I miss something, a R* announcement or newswire update? ...if not, we might as we'll be guessing how many unicorns R* will allow us to have in our stables.


I'd say 2 unicorns and 2 cars.


When we get the stables DLC I'm going to single player to multi player glitch in this thing:




By far my favorite mount in Red Dead.

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