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They should open up the churches around the map on Sundays.

Princess of the Midwest

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Princess of the Midwest

It would be nice if they opened up the churches that be around the map on in game Sundays. It would be nice for our characters to take a break of killing others and/or getting killed ourselves. Wouldn't it be nice if on Sundays (game Sundays) we all get thrown into passive mode until it's in game Monday? Just a thought.

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That would be a cool idea..



That way I could kill 50 people in one go instead hunting down kids one at a time.



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That sounds terrible. I would prefer to use the open churches on Sundays to kill a lot of kneeling proselytizers.


EDIT: Ninja'd

Edited by AlienTwo
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Maybe tank griefers will stop griefing once they hear the word of the Lord in Church

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Princess of the Midwest

and obviously it would be optional having to attend it, but I think it would be a nice added thing to the game. I would take my character. :)

cool, free weekly target practise lol

nope. Everyone will be in passive mode remember?

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Mr. Muramasa

I kill on Mondays, and Wednesdays, have myself a good time with a lady from the streets on Tuesdays and Thursdays, break into the Union Depository on Saturdays, and go to Church on Sundays.


On Fridays I go to bitch and moan to a Therapist who doesn't care about me, but my money, and keeps raising his prices. Afterwards I kill some more people and shoot at the police, jump on a train, and shoot down some Police Mavericks.

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Religion doesn't belong in video games. All that happens is one sect would get pissed they were left out or misrepresented and its a sh*tstorm not worth the minute benefit (if there is one) that it brings.

Edited by Mattyp1514
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Princess of the Midwest

Religion doesn't belong in video games. All that happens is one sect would get pissed they were left out or misrepresented and its a sh*tstorm not worth the minute benefit (if there is one) that it brings.

Darn you did make a good point. Oh well. Que Sera.

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Religion doesn't belong in video games. All that happens is one sect would get pissed they were left out or misrepresented and its a sh*tstorm not worth the minute benefit (if there is one) that it brings.

Religion doesn't belong on earth. It causes misery, death, suicide, murder, rape, genocide and all manner of evil things just so the worshipers can feel good about dying.

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Religion doesn't belong in video games. All that happens is one sect would get pissed they were left out or misrepresented and its a sh*tstorm not worth the minute benefit (if there is one) that it brings.

Religion doesn't belong on earth. It causes misery, death, suicide, murder, rape, genocide and all manner of evil things just so the worshipers can feel good about dying.


Not the right board for that...none of it is game related.

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No, religion is not game related at all.

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No, religion is not game related at all.

He brought up the idea of adding religious centers to the game = game related

your disdain of religion =/= game related


See the difference?

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Sir Michael

Only if we're allowed to praise his Basedness.


Ye must driveth le Chrome Adder with ze dollar rim. #basedswag

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No, religion is not game related at all.

He brought up the idea of adding religious centers to the game = game related

your disdain of religion =/= game related


See the difference?


One does not simply mention "Religion" on the internet and not expect a reaction...

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Nope it would cause way too many problems, somethings just need to keep out of video games such as; rape, religion and child abuse... things like that which can really upset someone. I know it's a game and it's fun, and especially GTA is full of crazy sh*t with even Jesus in the game. But companies need to have their limits for simple reasons

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Such a random thread.


They had one in rdr. It was a fun location to fight of people.


I wouldnt mind more enterable buildings.

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Only if they allow us to burn it down with our jerry cans with the dumbass christians inside.

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No, religion is not game related at all.

He brought up the idea of adding religious centers to the game = game related

your disdain of religion =/= game related


See the difference?


One does not simply mention "Religion" on the internet and not expect a reaction...


I understand that, but restraint can be your friend.

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Tali vas Normandy

Tank grief all week and ask forgiveness on sunday.

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I understand that, but restraint can be your friend.


Yes. This is not the place.


Honestly though, making it possible for all religions, including those who make lack of religion a religion, would be near impossible. Multiple days, multiple "houses"... the church bells on the hour are more than enough.

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Another issue is timing. Church on Sunday, well then you have to open Friday at night until Saturday AM for Jewish Shabbat, Muslims on Friday...

Is it already too much work for something that adds no value to the game with other glaring weaknesses?

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What about Kifflom or whatever it's called? You could join and attend secret meetings at their building near the expensive apartment warzone.

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Special Agent 25

What about Kifflom or whatever it's called? You could join and attend secret meetings at their building near the expensive apartment warzone.



Way ahead of ya



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Who cares about religions. Nothing but meaningless people heavily on drugs wrote them down years earlier.


Better option would be custom settings for the online sessions with cops on/off and friendly fire on/off.

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