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Logo Request

xUk iDaMaGe zZ

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xUk iDaMaGe zZ

Hey guys!


I was wondering if a couple of you could make me a logo for an MC on a SA-MP server i'm in...


Basically the MC is called American Demons and we're looking for a couple different logo's for forum headers and such.


What I would like:


Top Rocker - American Demons

Bottom Rocker - San Andreas

On the right of the picture - MC

On the left of the picture - 1%


Basically a patch would of been easier to say.


I would like you to be creative with the images you use as I can't really find an images and don't have very good PS skills.



Also one last thing, could you after making the full size logo resize it to avatar size and put the name "Weaver" somewhere?



Thanks Guys, I'll know you'll make me happy :)



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xUk iDaMaGe zZ

Thanks dude! Would still like other people to give it ago as we would like a couple different ones.

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