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Racing dirty but smart.


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- When going into a corner, pass your opponent so they have to slip stream behind you making them miss the turn cause they're going too fast.

- Smash into a lamp post if you're in the lead and people are catching up and hope it makes them screw up.

- Intentionally drive towards a solid object when people are slip streaming behind you and then swerve at the last second to avoid the collisions. hopefully they won't.

- slip stream behind your opponent but refuse to pass until you're almost at the finish line.

- If one car is slip streaming another car, bump that car then blame it on him when the driver ahead of him crashes, works great if the guy who was slip streaming doesn't have a mic.

- don't boost start and let cars hit you from behind.

- When jumping side by side with another car, angle your car so you're flying sideways and if the other car gets too close to you correct your car so it's no longer sideways. You should cause the guy beside you to land sideways instead.

- This won't win you a race but intentionally drive your car away from a checkpoint when someone is really trying to race you. They'll follow you for a while before realizing you're no longer on course.



I've been known to do these things once I've consumed enough alcohol. I don't straight out dirty race and ram into people but I often employ these tactics to make it look like accidents when the reality is I meant for you to crash but I want you to think it's your fault. I'm probably worse than people who ram you.

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Sugar Free Nos

Yeah, this doesn't seem so much like dirty racing as much as it is just you taking advantage of other racer's lack of intelligence and skill.


Sounds like a good time.

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Yeah, this doesn't seem so much like dirty racing as much as it is just you taking advantage of other racer's lack of intelligence and skill.


Sounds like a good time.

I agree. The OP suggestions are good strategy, not dirty racing. :^:


Relative to the usual dirty tricks that some people post here to brag about what badassess they wish they really were, the OP's ideas are mostly a shining example of clean smart racing.

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Sugar Free Nos


Yeah, this doesn't seem so much like dirty racing as much as it is just you taking advantage of other racer's lack of intelligence and skill.


Sounds like a good time.

I agree. The OP suggestions are good strategy, not dirty racing. :^:


Relative to the usual dirty tricks that some people post here to brag about what badassess they wish they really were, the OP's ideas are mostly a shining example of clean smart racing.



Yeah, in my opinion, if it doesn't involve contact with other cars, it's not dirty racing. Some of his suggestions involved that, but the majority didn't.

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None of these tips will help you to win more races except maybe #3.

Edited by homeskillet
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1.- When going into a corner, pass your opponent so they have to slip stream behind you making them miss the turn cause they're going too fast.

2.- Smash into a lamp post if you're in the lead and people are catching up and hope it makes them screw up.

3.- Intentionally drive towards a solid object when people are slip streaming behind you and then swerve at the last second to avoid the collisions. hopefully they won't.

4.- slip stream behind your opponent but refuse to pass until you're almost at the finish line.

5.- If one car is slip streaming another car, bump that car then blame it on him when the driver ahead of him crashes, works great if the guy who was slip streaming doesn't have a mic.

6.- don't boost start and let cars hit you from behind.

7.- When jumping side by side with another car, angle your car so you're flying sideways and if the other car gets too close to you correct your car so it's no longer sideways. You should cause the guy beside you to land sideways instead.

8.- This won't win you a race but intentionally drive your car away from a checkpoint when someone is really trying to race you. They'll follow you for a while before realizing you're no longer on course.



I've been known to do these things once I've consumed enough alcohol. I don't straight out dirty race and ram into people but I often employ these tactics to make it look like accidents when the reality is I meant for you to crash but I want you to think it's your fault. I'm probably worse than people who ram you.

This ideas doesnt seem to be aimed to actually winning the race.... So why are they smart?

1.- This only counts when youre already ahead of him.... Slipstream takes a few seconds to activate after you pass a player. Also theres tons of better ways to make people miss turns that dont depend too much on the lack of intelligence of the other racer...

2.- CONGRATULATIONS, you have smashed into a lamp post and make every single player behind you win advantage against you, in the "hope" of the guy behind you to screw up...

3.- THIS IS HOW 2.- SHOULD WORK, you make other person smash into the streetlamp, and at the same time it makes a possible obstacle for the people behind him.. This is a great idea.

4.- GOOD, youre a dickhead... but anyone with experience in racing will push you off the race if you wait that long before getting advantage.

5.- i dont understand.... Personally if im behind two players and one of them is slipstreaming.... i slipstream over both.

6.- Yup, and what happens with all the other cars? CONGRATULATIONS, youre a dickhead and you ruined both your chances to win and the chances of the guy behind you.

7.- This is a good strategy.




I demand this thread to be renamed "How to be a dickhead and lose a race"

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Well idk about the ones letting them slipstream behind me because I will always get rammed behind and crash when I try to turn no matter how fast I'm going

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The only dirty thing i like doing in public races is turning slip stream and catch up off at the last second.




Edited by Vooodu
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It takes some practice but if you get used to it you'll be surprised how often slip kicks in at exactly the wrong time. I often block people trying to pass me when getting to a corner just so I can use this tactic.

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Tali vas Normandy


- don't boost start and let cars hit you from behind.


f*ck YOU!

f*ck YOU!!

f*ck YOU!!!



Edited by tali vas Normandy
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- don't boost start and let cars hit you from behind.


f*ck YOU!

f*ck YOU!!

f*ck YOU!!!



To be honest.. Boosting in the back or middle is pointless anyways.


In pub races.. I don't bother hitting the boost in back. I don't want to be a part of the mindless horde crash that starts 5 seconds later.

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- don't boost start and let cars hit you from behind.


f*ck YOU!

f*ck YOU!!

f*ck YOU!!!





lol I put it in there but I've never actually done it. :p

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- don't boost start and let cars hit you from behind.


f*ck YOU!

f*ck YOU!!

f*ck YOU!!!



To be honest.. Boosting in the back or middle is pointless anyways.


In pub races.. I don't bother hitting the boost in back. I don't want to be a part of the mindless horde crash that starts 5 seconds later.


And if catchup is off you will have a slim chance of catching the guy in the lead.

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I'll admit to my one blatantly dirty tactic in this thread.


If I'm approaching a sharp turn, like ninety degrees, and another racer is ahead of me, slowing down for a textbook approach to the turn, I'll come in full speed, power slide into the turn, and sideswipe his/her car to keep me from sliding off the track. The impact sends them flying into a wall, maybe a bad corner, or even sometimes into an alley, while immediately stopping my momentum and allowing me to complete the turn way faster than I otherwise would have been able to.


It's a sh*tty, opportunistic move, and I've done it absolutely every time the very specific scenario presented itself.

Edited by ArbitraryName14
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