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help deathmatch in the raven slaughterhouse


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Hi boys, i would make a deathmatch in the slaughterhouse like you see in this video:

but when i try to enter in the slaughterhouse in the creator (i've tryed in every places around the palace), over the wall there is only the nothingness and i fall in the void until you get back on the road. Someone can help me saying in what point i can put the pointer?


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I got the floor and walls stay there with this:

1. Start the mission you enter that building

2. Enter it

3. Load latest save

4. Enter creator

5. Glitch inside


But none of the objects were visible.. Also the game gets stuck on loading screen once I hit test. Sometimes it gets unstuck once I sign out of PSN. But after that the floor becomes fall through.

Same works for foundry, recycling plant and tequi-la-la which all have awesome interior for deathmatch. I'm starting to assume that guy somehow modded those.

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I got the floor and walls stay there with this:

1. Start the mission you enter that building

2. Enter it

3. Load latest save

4. Enter creator

5. Glitch inside


But none of the objects were visible.. Also the game gets stuck on loading screen once I hit test. Sometimes it gets unstuck once I sign out of PSN. But after that the floor becomes fall through.

Same works for foundry, recycling plant and tequi-la-la which all have awesome interior for deathmatch. I'm starting to assume that guy somehow modded those.

thank you, i try it :)


I hope to do it


Why don't you just use the map in the video

because the DM isn't complete




because the DM is not complete at the moment :/

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