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who wants a pheonix ? I'll sell it to you


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Aero Dynamo

Alright Just Stop. He was talking about ingame money and although his idea was crap, You can get that car if you try to find it. If I ever find It I would give it away for free....

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Let me get this right.


You want to sell a car that you'll will still keep after the dupe..........GTFO

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Sorry guys too late sold it for 60k to some guy who works in Ls customs...

You mean 6k my man
no 60k I had modified it

Which means that you took a loss on the car.

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Might make a garage full of phoenixes and post picture for OP. Seems like a lot of effort though.

Yea, 3 laps around the docks for 10 of them

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I give them away for free. Modded and all

Only 60k? It wasn't even fully moddded! You Peasant!!

May you be spawn killed and banished from the community..

Sharing is Caring

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We Are Ninja


Sorry guys too late sold it for 60k to some guy who works in Ls customs...



WTF i gave you 750 k's for that.....



ill give you 750k for it





















That flew right over my head. Hats off to you, good sir.



your not the only one.... (OP...) ... please tell me you counted them all ninja...


LOL, no. TL:DC

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About as rare as gravity on earth.


What a mug.


Just go to the docks where simeon's garage thing is... They spawn there all the time, same with sandy shores at night between 10pm-5am.


Don't give your gta money to this complete eejit.

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Tali vas Normandy

Geez you guys the OP is just trying to make business for himself. Sure it might be highway robbery but still, that business too.



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I swear this guy got banned. And he's now back. He tried something like this with a Bagger too.


"Giving away a Bagger" was the title, then he said he wanted 200k for it.


This guy is a new kind of pathetic

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The phoenix is not particularly rare and since we have duping threads where you can get any car for free, why (and how) would anyone pay you for one?

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