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I think before we have the heists 2 things we need...............


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Here is the 2 things we need before the "big" heists update:

  • stop our sessions from freezing as it's always doing that since the business dlc has been available which pretty annoying :@.
  • sort out the sessions overloading problem as our crew had to have a big meeting as one of our leader of the crew invited us to a big session but it kept kicking players so we had to do two separate sessions


if we can do that then there should be no problem in getting the heists which I've been wanting for a long time

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Biohazard Abyss



So basically all you did is point out 2 well-known issues...

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The part with the sessions is odd. When we play in invite only session no one ever will kicked. I think some people have problems and others don't. That is what R* should fix.

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Sir Michael

Do the extra periods in your title imply your seriousness and though-provoking ideas?

At least he didn't do the typical


"Thread Ti...."


...tle that the other people do.


But seriously, this didn't need its own thread bro.

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It would be real nice if they could fix that soon. It would also be nice if they actually fixed old issues that were said to be fixed, but have been creeping up again lately. I really don't expect any game to be perfect and bug free, but I really wish Rockstar would take some time to do more fixes and better fixes, before we get more content.

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People are expecting too much and will end of whining anyway. I would rather they expanded on the Creator, with mission creator additions.

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People are expecting too much and will end of whining anyway. I would rather they expanded on the Creator, with mission creator additions.



i can see it already, if heist are ever released, all the threads whining and complaining about how R* hyped the heist and they are a PoS bla bla bla


im more excited about the possibility of creating my own missions with the Mission Creator.

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