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Bad sport points should change


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Instead of getting bad sport points for blowing up PV's you should get them for running over people in passive mode.


To me blowing up a persons car is just typical GTA mayhem but continuing to kill a person who has admitted defeat or doesn't wanna fight isn't.

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If you've never been to the puzzle factory, you would have to blow up 50-100 PVs in a single day. Probably more on the lines of 50 in a single session would guarantee it, so it's almost impossible. Now if you were a former resident of the puzzle factory multiple times over, I'm pretty sure your on a tight leash as it is. Probably on the lines of 10-15 PVs would be an instant parole violation.

Edited by SteveNYC81
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So you say going passive to get a tank is admitting defeat?

"Admitting defeat OR doesn't wanna fight"
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Going passive mode after someone is spawn killing you in a tank is another way of telling them to "Go f*ck yourself and find some friends you bored low life".

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