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DEATH RACE 2000 (PS3 edition)

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I will be hosting this tomorrow, March 18th at 10pm EST

if we can get enough people in on it



Rules are simple


there will be teams of 2 people

one driver and one navigator / photographer

the race will begin on the roof of the airport parking garage and end at the ammunation in Paleto Bay


The name of the game is to rack up points by killing specific NPCs by running them over.

The navigator's role will be to provide photographic proof.


The race will be an hour long (time is negotiable once event is launched)

The player who reaches the end first will receive an additional 500, but may not necessarily be the winner.


during the race, we will have pit stops.

every 15 minutes or so, where we all go to the LS customs nearest to us to repair our vehicles.

during this time, everyone must be in an LSC

While stopped, the navigators can come on here and post pictures from the race as well as tally up the points your team has acquired thus far, for those who would like to follow the event but weren't a part of it.

any post updating the race should have the picture above in it, since he is the host after all.

also, during pit stops the navigator and driver can switch spots, but only during pit stops

once we're all good and ready to roll, we'll leave LSC and go for another round of carnage


Here are the cars from the movie




unfortunately we don't have anything nearly as cool

but in keeping with the funky car theme, everyone should either have

a BF Bifta, a BF Dune Buggy, a BF Injection or a BF Surfer

Feel free to make them as obnoxious looking as possible


helmets are also required

mask aren't, but definitely a plus




Everyone should also be in passive mode, to ensure that all kills are legit vehicular kills



sorry, Joe



The points go as follows


100 points for hookers / cops / fat women

200 points for people with cameras around their necks / people riding bikes / paramedics

300 points for construction workers / hikers / gang members / fire fighters

400 points for pushing people into bonfires

500 points for the guy playing the guitar / zombie makeup guy / another driver's navigator

and a whopping 1000 points for this asshole





Extra points will be given for the type of picture as well

action shots from outside of the car, meaning navigator takes a picture from outside of the vehicle while the driver rams into the target add 25 points to whatever points the target gives

action shots from inside the car give an extra 50 points

no additional points for pictures of bodies after the fact.


PV's and other players are fair game

shouldn't be an issue if we're all on passive mode


if your vehicle gets destroyed, you must retrieve it and wait in LSC until the next pit stop


if you die or your vehicle gets impounded, just carry on


Your team instantly wins if you run over a wolf


at the end, we tally up the points and announce a winning team


if anyone can think of any other NPCs I might've left out that aren't too common, please let me know


add me if you're interested

PSN: oswaltdevilwind


or drop PSN here

Edited by VersaceVersace
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