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Would you want a Zombie dlc for GTA Online?


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go play saints row 3 that's the closest you'll get to gta with zombies. that sh*t will never happen…at least I hope R* wouldn't do that...

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now what would be awesome for gta , is a riot dlc . where all the npcs riot and you can get riot trucks , and riot gear and all

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Ok so I've seem about 100 posts that ask this question and have never bothered posting. Here is my thought:

Yes to zombie DLC or Pack

Zombies never make sense. You could make a zombie movie in any town, country or age and it would still work hypothetically. The zombie outbreak generally is a disease or result of a curse etc.....

As far as implementation I like the idea of the wrecked city lobbies but realize it would probably be too much work/troubleshooting for rockstar. The most likely scenario would be a Halloween pack that had a zombie weekend with NPC zombies and new clothes, masks, machete etc. a zombie survival and possibly a mission that reveals the source of the outbreak is all I would expect.

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