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Simeon's Green Car - Have you ever upgraded it?


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Yesterday I was grabbing the car Simeon wanted. I followed the green car shape and resprayed and just as I was about to deliver it I wondered, what would happen if I upgraded it!


I'm guessing that the Simeon pay-out and coinciding reaction from the guy taking delivery might change. I know the cars I've delivered since the update are usually $1,000 more than the "stock" variant LSC payout so I don't know if you would get any reward from doing it.


Has anyone ever done up the Simeon vehicle and has the pay-out been bigger than you expected?

Edited by vipprimo
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Special Agent 25

nothing, guy's a cheap idiot, he'd just pay same amount.


stopped going for them anyway, last one i went for, did it perfect until a scratched the car a bit, the guy in lock-up is like..


"not in good in condition, we'll have to sell it for parts"

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I saw some guy modify one a couple of days ago. Had a spoiler and everything. Then I blew him up. I laughed.

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I did once. Back before the Cashpocalypse when everyone was still poor, I saw a low level in the HPV. It was a Tailgater so I killed him and took it and made it my PV. Couldn't store it in my garage but I could track it and everything, I just destroyed it and called Mors for it back.

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modify it with a sticky bomb "so and so has collected the High Priority Vehicle" KERPLOSION!

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I did once. Back before the Cashpocalypse when everyone was still poor, I saw a low level in the HPV. It was a Tailgater so I killed him and took it and made it my PV. Couldn't store it in my garage but I could track it and everything, I just destroyed it and called Mors for it back.

This Although I stole myself
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I've got a bad habit of stealing the car from other players then heading for LSC with them in tow ...


Jumping into the shop and buying insurance on it.


Then turning on the mic and listening to them squeak like little mice.


Sigh - I need to get out more.

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last night i got into a firefight over a car simeon wanted, i got killed a few times, but prevailed and delivered it to simeon, it was pretty banged up but i got about $3,500 for it.

Edited by hugh750
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I always mod it with a sticky bomb as soon as I see it and then I wait for the notification the someone has taken it.

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When usually reaching the hpv,check if the door is locked/sticky bomb.If it is,take it to lsc and paint a bright colour and ingnition bomb.Drive through ls warzone and get killed,somebody will into the car and BOOM! (xxx killed 'Somebody that is dumb enough to get into the hpv that was purpose driven into a warzone').Seriously,who would drive a hpv through a kill field and risk getting the car stolen/destroyed.

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Grab a chopper.. Watch them at LSC and for the majority of their nervous trip to deliver the car.. Wait for the opportune moment to start your 1 minute off the radar.. Fly to Simeon's garage, wait in front of it.. Shoot player... Deliver HPV! Profit!


Yeah I'm that asshole!

Edited by RDH1983
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nothing, guy's a cheap idiot, he'd just pay same amount.


stopped going for them anyway, last one i went for, did it perfect until a scratched the car a bit, the guy in lock-up is like..


"not in good in condition, we'll have to sell it for parts"

I hate that. I accidently spent $30,000 upgrading a Landstalker he wanted and it had a small scratch on the back bumper. "No good. We'll have to scrap it for parts." And I got $400. Never again.

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judge dread 24

When I had billions I put everything there was to offer on a dominator that simeon wanted. Well over 200k in parts. Took it to the docks. I got just over 3.5k. So no u don't get any more. Lol

Edited by judge dread 24
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When usually reaching the hpv,check if the door is locked/sticky bomb.If it is,take it to lsc and paint a bright colour and ingnition bomb.Drive through ls warzone and get killed,somebody will into the car and BOOM! (xxx killed 'Somebody that is dumb enough to get into the hpv that was purpose driven into a warzone').Seriously,who would drive a hpv through a kill field and risk getting the car stolen/destroyed.

I like doing this when I see someone camping the dock area. Put in ignition bomb and then drive to them like I am clueless. They kill me, get out of their hiding spot, get the car, blow up and are now not hidden and I can spawn kill the tools lol.
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I dropped around $150 000 into it when I had billions and brought it to Simeon's garage. He gave me just under $8000. Such a cheap ass.

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When I had billions I put everything there was to offer on a dominator that simeon wanted. Well over 200k in parts. Took it to the docks. I got just over 3.5k. So no u don't get any more. Lol

LOL. :lol:

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I dropped around $150 000 into it when I had billions and brought it to Simeon's garage. He gave me just under $8000. Such a cheap ass.

Lmao thats a huuuuuge rip off. That mutha***** needs to learn how negotiating works.
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During the tutorial, remember the free mods we got? For our first car? I got black paint, tracker, and insurance. Under $10,000. Simeon then calls and says "Enjoy the free mods. You are forever in my dept. Help me find some cars." I can pay off that $10,000 with my $700,000. No, I have to get him those cars. Why? Because Rockstar Games. Seriously, why can't we pay him off? I'm sick of getting 2 stars because Simeon. :panic:

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Black Rabbit

nothing, guy's a cheap idiot, he'd just pay same amount.


stopped going for them anyway, last one i went for, did it perfect until a scratched the car a bit, the guy in lock-up is like..


"not in good in condition, we'll have to sell it for parts"


I stopped going for them for awhile due to this same sh*t...but, then I noticed that often, if you return the green car (don't go out of my way for the randoms he asks for), once it's delivered, the game seems to spawn a different random event. I've triggered Armored Trucks by doing this before, so now I just bring it down there real quick in whatever f*ck condition it makes it in hopes of spawning some armored trucks.

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When usually reaching the hpv,check if the door is locked/sticky bomb.If it is,take it to lsc and paint a bright colour and ingnition bomb.Drive through ls warzone and get killed,somebody will into the car and BOOM! (xxx killed 'Somebody that is dumb enough to get into the hpv that was purpose driven into a warzone').Seriously,who would drive a hpv through a kill field and risk getting the car stolen/destroyed.

I like doing this when I see someone camping the dock area. Put in ignition bomb and then drive to them like I am clueless. They kill me, get out of their hiding spot, get the car, blow up and are now not hidden and I can spawn kill the tools lol.

Need to be careful with this though, a rigged car can blow up very easily. A few stray bullets or a bump from an other car means BOOM!

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I don't think the ignition bombs work anymore. I used to do this all the time but the last time I did it I got a message saying Simeon doesn't want this car anymore. There went all my fun.

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Been caught out before by this cheap asshat. Repair and a spray of paint is all that's worth doing.


During the tutorial, remember the free mods we got? For our first car? I got black paint, tracker, and insurance. Under $10,000. Simeon then calls and says "Enjoy the free mods. You are forever in my dept. Help me find some cars." I can pay off that $10,000 with my $700,000. No, I have to get him those cars. Why? Because Rockstar Games. Seriously, why can't we pay him off? I'm sick of getting 2 stars because Simeon. :panic:


Ignore the green cars and the text begging for various vehicles and your problem is solved.

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grand theft spaghetti

if you want to be a real dick call in a buzzard or tank and just wait for the green car off the radar. they picked up the car, modified it and made all the way to the docks just to see you blow them up.


good times.


we wish it was that simple am30. you cant avoid the cars on his list. the game seems to force you into having to steal a random car to make a quick getaway and most of the time the only cars in the area are the ones on simeon's list. half the time every vehicle will despawn out of the area except for one car and thats on his list.

Edited by ijustcameheretobeeotch
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I don't think the ignition bombs work anymore. I used to do this all the time but the last time I did it I got a message saying Simeon doesn't want this car anymore. There went all my fun.

It still shows up green on the map, so it works the same as before bro.

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I don't think the ignition bombs work anymore. I used to do this all the time but the last time I did it I got a message saying Simeon doesn't want this car anymore. There went all my fun.

He does not want it from you...you cant deliver it...but it still shows as green for others i think.
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