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Cannot sell free adder


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i received a free adder yesterday and it went into my garage when someone else was hacking the server. i feel guilt free about it but am i liable to be turned in as a cheater since it was due to no fault of my own it glitches into garage. i tried selling it but it said since it worth more then 50 grand i can't sell it? has this happened to anyone one else? how could this happen?

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i tried selling it but it said since it worth more then 50 grand i can't sell it?

Just try another time. Happend to me when I had to sell my 10 adders to receive my dollas after the DNS apocalypse.


EDIT: Try park your auto anywhere. Steal the nearest car and drive like 6 blocks away. Call another personal vehicle. Try park your auto anywhere. Steal the nearest car and drive like 6 blocks away. Call for your Adder. Try driving it to LSC and possibly sell it. HOLLA HOLLA GET DOLLA!

Edited by ChrilLe
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i received a free adder yesterday and it went into my garage when someone else was hacking the server.




And you know someone else was hacking the server how?

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i received a free adder yesterday and it went into my garage when someone else was hacking the server.




And you know someone else was hacking the server how?



LOL! how the actual f*ck can you possibly know that someone is hacking? And I don't think you are very guilty, because you can replace the adder for another car, so try that instead ;P

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