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Things You Have Never Done In GTA Online


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Or never will do; List here. for instance; Never called in an ammo drop, never won a parachuting, never paid to have my car removed from the impound lot. Those are the few I think of off hand. How bout you?

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Or never will do; List here. for instance; Never called in an ammo drop, never won a parachuting, never paid to have my car removed from the impound lot. Those are the few I think of off hand. How bout you?

i never paid to get my car from impound and never will. i dont think i have won a parachute drop . never won a flight race and never will since i suck at flying .

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Good thread OP!


Ditto on the amo drop, impound yard and I've never got a car wash

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ive never played tennis, even in SP. ive also never answered Dom... stop f*cking calling me!

also never done the ammo drop either.

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Picked up a hooker. You can get stds in this game, they show up as these ugly marks all over your body.

Also never played golf

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Rage quit, used a tank for anything but launches, owned a sticker bomb car, landed a plane on a building:(


Ammo drops contain Molotov cocktails btw.

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Rage quit, used a tank for anything but launches, owned a sticker bomb car, landed a plane on a building:(


Ammo drops contain Molotov cocktails btw.

i know. i once stole an ammo drop from someone else lol

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Rage quit, used a tank for anything but launches, owned a sticker bomb car, landed a plane on a building:(


Ammo drops contain Molotov cocktails btw.

i know. i once stole an ammo drop from someone else lol


I called for an ammo drop one In North Yankton(when we could go there) by accident instead of a helicopter pickup. Interestingly enough, the ammo box came the the pickup didn't and i never moved ?

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Have your crew get drunk and fall off of things.


With a running cargobob parked underneath :)

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Rage quit, used a tank for anything but launches, owned a sticker bomb car, landed a plane on a building:(


Ammo drops contain Molotov cocktails btw.

i know. i once stole an ammo drop from someone else lol


I called for an ammo drop one In North Yankton(when we could go there) by accident instead of a helicopter pickup. Interestingly enough, the ammo box came the the pickup didn't and i never moved ?


must be a wait time in between calls

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I've never had an arm wrestling match, or played tennis or golf.


I've never traveled too far off the playable map.. I head something bad happens :panic:

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  • I've never killed a Tank.


I've never killed a Hooker.


I've never played Darts.


I've never played Tennis.


I've never played Arm Wrestling.


I've never done a LTS.


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not killed anybody, stopped at the red light, let pedestrians have the right of way, decrease speed to 15- mph when it rains to avoid hydroplane, gave cash to the homeless and one last thing being forgiving too

Edited by s1ckmad3
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Being able to go a week without seeing a single "Saving failed, Rockstar Cloud Services unavailable at the moment" notification-lately.

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Killed another player with my tank

Used a carwash

Used chrome as a paint job or $ rims

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not killed anybody, stopped at the red light, let pedestrians have the right of way, decrease speed to 15- mph when it rains to avoid hydroplane, gave cash to the homeless and one last thing being forgiving too

now it would be boring if you did any of that lol .

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1. I've never griefed people in a tank. I don't even have a tank. First (and only) time I ever drove a tank, it belonged to a friend of mine. I messed with players by driving the tank by them like a civilian.


2. I've never flown a Vestra, even though I really want one. I just can't afford it.


3. I've never owned an Adder. I've driven the before, and they handle pretty well. I just don't like them. I don't even like the RL Bugatti (front end is meh. Rear end is hideous)


4. I've never glitched into North Yankton. I want to, though. I've always wanted to take a selfie with Brad's corpse. I even have it on my bucket list. "39. Take a selfie with the dead body of a fellow gay person"


5. I've never hacked or glitched. The only glitch I've experienced is the Underwater Glitch (twice), which wasn't even on purpose. It just...happened.

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not killed anybody, stopped at the red light, let pedestrians have the right of way, decrease speed to 15- mph when it rains to avoid hydroplane, gave cash to the homeless and one last thing being forgiving too

now it would be boring if you did any of that lol .


those are signs of me not being myself lol

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Never played Golf or Tennis, never used a carwash, never done arm wrestling, never been on a yacht, never picked up a hooker or had a lap dance.

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- No lap dance


- No Tennis


- No Ammo Drop


- No Lester Locate Car


- No ATM

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I've never called for an ammo dropped, no lap dance, no hooker, no drugs, no arm wrestling, no tennis (in online), bought an Adder, called Lester for a vehicle, or called an airstrike.

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I have never won tennis or parachuting and I have never not jumped out of a plane.

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I never had fun because Rockstar sucks so much, no updates, no bugfixes and no new content since its release :(

Edited by Bozzah
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No ammo drops.

Never bought a tank, (don't plan to either).

No money/RP exploits.

Never had an Adder, (Rear is ugly IMO).

Never started a crew.

Haven't played Darts/Tennis online.

Never been to N. Yankton.

Never cared about Heists.

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