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Lots of snitches in GTA Online

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After looking over the R* support forums it seems people report for the sake of reporting.


Some of my faves that bother nobody


"So and so is an RP Modder level 1000 is mathematically impossible"

"So and so is wall glitching killing cops"


Why do people snitch just for the sake of it. Even if I saw a wallglitcher, garage camper, or lvl 1k I wouldnt report. only active cheating such as god mode douches

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After looking over the R* support forums it seems people report for the sake of reporting.


Some of my faves that bother nobody


"So and so is an RP Modder level 1000 is mathematically impossible"

"So and so is wall glitching killing cops"


Why do people snitch just for the sake of it. Even if I saw a wallglitcher, garage camper, or lvl 1k I wouldnt report. only active cheating such as god mode douches

cheating is cheating. it's a game. you report god mode people? you snitch

Ive seen level 1000's...trolled by idiots with insured tanks, god mode etc. I just leave the session.


This game is what I make of it and have fun my way.

U can understand reporting people but R* should be checking all the lobbies anyways as part of their multi billion dollar game.

I don't report the people with unrealistically high levels. If thats how they enjoy the game then so be it, doesn't effect those around them. Only little bitches report those trying to make their own experience better. Those that wall breach and use gameplay glitches though.. i report them like the wind blows.



Its only snitching if they're doing the same sh*t, although I understand the frustration. Is this "so and so" you or are you on the outside looking in?

No I simply was looking on the support forums and saw this post

lvl 1k modder



invisible glitch





Killing in garage



Just some notable snitch threads today


Cookiemonster called you a donkey rapist

I know people reported the "Modders" in billionaires day-era, but I honestly only report people if they're above 600 and spawn killing everyone in a tank (and with that, I mean even before you get to walk you're already killed again)

I don't hate people who play legit, I just hate the people who suck R*'s dick and report other players who glitch, mod etc as long as they don't have god mode or do the garage glitch it's ok. Also, the in game report will only get you in bad sports if you get reported a lot. To get banned. someone would have to report you on r* support website and tell them the reason why they reported if bans even exist

Edited by cookiemonster14


Its only snitching if they're doing the same sh*t, although I understand the frustration. Is this "so and so" you or are you on the outside looking in?

No I simply was looking on the support forums and saw this post

lvl 1k modder



invisible glitch





Killing in garage



Just some notable snitch threads today


Funny how they won't use their own usernames to do this. smh

I reported 1 person because he was level 977 and a total dipsh*t. It appeared to me that rockstar didn't care more than I did about it, so I figured why bother anymore? At this point, glitch/hack/mod....if rockstar doesn't care enough, why should we?


I love the people that report millionaire money glitchers...they'll just find another way.

Edited by Mattyp1514
Aero Dynamo

Never Reported anyone yet, But 98% of those who report are usually players who are pissed at others and or just want to troll around create problems then they turn to modding and glitching. Seriously though. Hate it when Rockstar actually thinks they are telling the truth and bans the innocent


On the other hand just realised that Rockstar allowed a hacker/Glitcher guy in they live stream server.

Snitches get stitches!

I reported a guy who was cussing everyone out. He also texted me crapola... shot me (as a passenger) out of a heli and killed himself in the process, we both spawn on the ground so I kill him, he challenges me to a deathmatch, I kill him once, he kills me, I kill him, he kills me twice by wall-glitching in the babrbershop then runs away by default "winning". That's when the abuse started.


I reported him. Hope I don't deserve stitches.

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