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Bad sport rule change?


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I want to know is this true or not that now if a bunch of 9 year olds will report u for "ruining" their fun u can get bad sport .

Had a situation when me and my friend went on rampage kiling everyone and strangely i recived a message that im bad sport for 3 days and 16 hours .

it's was so strange because i and my friend didn't blow up any personal venchils .


also maybe kiling passive players makes u bad sport ?


can someone clarifyie this to me?


thank you.

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The victims banded together and probably mass reported you.


GTA payback of the yellow bellied.


Price you pay for going on a grief happy rampage nowadays.

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hands down, bad sport gotta be the worst feature ever implemented in the gta series.

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Bad Sport.. It works perfectly...









Bad Sports is a joke and is pretty much the dumbest thing i've ever seen in any game ever made.. R* can't even figure it out and they expect players to follow the rules when they don't even know what those rules are.

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I've noticed that all the people that hate bad sport are the ones that constantly end up there. I have no problem with it because I've never been put there. Just like in real life, if you are going to be a dick then there are consequences for your actions.

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I've noticed that all the people that hate bad sport are the ones that constantly end up there. I have no problem with it because I've never been put there. Just like in real life, if you are going to be a dick then there are consequences for your actions.


I've never been to BAD SPORTS. And i think Bad Sports is flat out retarded.



It makes no sense. It dosen't matter if i have never been their, im calling a spade a spade here.



Tanks can go around blowing up everything and not get Bad Sports. Yet, if i go around blowing up everything with a RPG im Bad?




If a bunch of people vote kick me, im bad?



If players report me for no real reason... Im bad?



If i defend myself and blow up a PV, im bad?





R* allows players roll around with thousands of dollars worth of ammo yet they expect players to snuggle in the street?

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