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Friendly killed = mission failed?


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I've seen it 2 times now, and never saw this before. It was during missions Extradition and death from above. And as far as i know, i didn't see anyone die from the team. Just a message that pops up.


It said: Mission failed Friendly Killed.

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Biohazard Abyss

The missions can really glitch up sometimes. I killed a Lost member on Lost my Mind, when you're supposed to kill them and then steal the drugs. As soon as I killed one I got


Mission Failed: A Lost Member was killed


Also played method in the madness and I failed the mission for no reason when we reached the canyon.


Also the coke got destroyed in Los Santos Connection before any of us even reached the hangar.


The list goes on...

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I failed the ATV mission (where you have to get four) because one was destroyed. We had all delivered them in perfect condition

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Happened something similar to me in "The Los Santos connection" We were heading to the Airport and a message showed up "Mission failed, the cocaine was destroyed" or something like that. and we weren't even close to the airport... so yeah, glitchs in missions too.. Yay!

Edited by deLechuga
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I once did the garbage truck mission, I was in a buzzard, the last part said "Kill the courier"

I blew him up...




dam glithces

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Happened something similar to me in "The Los Santos connection" We were heading to the Airport and a message showed up "Mission failed, the cocaine was destroyed" or something like that. and we weren't even close to the airport... so yeah, glitchs in missions too.. Yay!


That mission glitches a lot. If a player dies whilst hacking them the mission will glitch and need to be restarted.

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in los santos connection , there is seems the problem . near a laptop to hacks are green crates contain cocaines and must not destroyed by explosion ( is your choice , grab it or let it go . each cocaine worth 500 , additional cocaine can be gained from first objective or on hangar as there's green crate in there )


also killing final enemies like tasked '' the crew boss is fleeing '' proably must be killed on foot with your own weapon or barehanded but on vehicle it's possible it will be failed despite obviously killing crew boss suppouse to win

Edited by Sky_Light12
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Secret tip. If you're playing method in the madness and your teammate dies, just blow up one of the boats escaping with the meth which will destroy it. You can then get the other meth and still get the full payment

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Secret tip. If you're playing method in the madness and your teammate dies, just blow up one of the boats escaping with the meth which will destroy it. You can then get the other meth and still get the full payment



Just a moment ago i did the mission ticket to elysium, and the moment i reached it as the first person from the crew, it exploded WTF.

Mission Failed, ppl on their mic raging about how I blew it up and i got kicked lol.

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Biggie Kaniff

Secret tip. If you're playing method in the madness and your teammate dies, just blow up one of the boats escaping with the meth which will destroy it. You can then get the other meth and still get the full payment


Yes this is a good thing. You'll get a notification saying "Name destroyed the coke" but can still just go with the other package and deliver it. This saves a lot of time and I always do it, even if my team is alive.




"Mission failed: Friendly killed" you can get if you drive over one of the dudes you're supposed to deliver the RV or Wester Deamon to.


And I hate the glitch were the coke is destroyed on LS connection and the one were you kill the crew boss and mission fails...

Edited by gta4thewin
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Had the same when I tried to do "LOST MC: RIP" with a buzzard for giggles. Failed: A lost was killed. I thought that was the point?

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As i remember the error in method in madness is "Failed to reach the canyon"or something like it.

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  • 10 months later...

its happened to me a ton of times, usually on Rooftop Rumble, but recently ive been getting teemkilled/teamkilling friends during missions, and its totally random no one tries to do it, well be behind cover at the same place, and instead of shooting at the enemies, one of us will elbow the other in the head, killing them, and not 20 minutes ago i was doing the mission Dry DOcking and got "rifled" by a team member....dafuq?

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This is a little off topic, I did "Defender" solo, I escorted the contact to Sandy Shores, killed all the enemy choppers. All was well, I got to the objective before he did, so I landed and just watched him. He lands kinda half on a crate or rock or something, tips his chopper on a 45 degree(at least) angle, he tries to get out and falls flat on his back, his chopper then tips the rest of the way over and the blades chop him up...Mission failed.

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I was playing Crime Scenester with a random player who then destroyed the money. but for some reason the mission passed instead of failed and we got payed the same as if we were to properly do the mission

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Haven't played properly for a few months now but I remember Rooftop Rumble had a stage where it would almost certainly fail the mission when we ran out of lives, even though people were still alive. It would even say "Mission Failed, Out Of Lives". It was the time when all anyone ever played was Rooftop Rumble.

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Forgot what it was called, but you had to steal a RV and bring it back to some gang members, i went past the RV And ran over the guy collecting the RV, mission failed, friendly was killed.

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