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Easy way to complete 'Death from above'


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Ok, so I'm not sure if this is well known or not, and I get that this mission doesn't really pay that well for how difficult it can be, but if you're like me then you can't be happy until you finish every mission on hard difficulty!


So first things first, you want to have at least 2 people, as I'm not sure how easy it would be solo. So first you want to fly a heli to the targets mansion, and then land on the nearby buildings next to the tennis courts. Take out your sniper rifle, identify the target, and shoot him. You then just get into your heli and start circling the mansion, making it harder for the NPCs to hit you. The passenger then has to get his phone out, go to snapmatic, and zoom in onto the general area where the target is laying dead. Don't worry, the picture doesn't have to be that accurate or clear, you will succeed just as long as he is in the frame. Martin will tell you when you have successfully taken the image, at which point just fly to his house and deliver the goods.


This technique takes maybe 5 minutes tops and is very easy even on hard difficulty. It's also worth noting that you can attempt to take a picture of the target from the roof where you shoot him from, but unless you do it almost instantly, it will become almost impossible as you will exit out of snapmatic every-time you get shot.


Hopefully this helps out some of the people who are struggling with this mission!

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Wow, that's pretty cool...I never would have thought.


In used to just blow the gates with a few grenades...blast my way around to where the dude is...photograph him...call lester and remove my wanted level...walk out like I own the place.

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Good thinking bro, although I f*cking hate this mission, so I can't see me ever doing in again.

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Just snipe the target and get away.

The Snapmatic part is no longer in the mission, and other missions like Check Out Time.

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Just snipe the target and get away.


The Snapmatic part is no longer in the mission, and other missions like Check Out Time.


I did it yesterday and we had to take the picture.

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Truly? That's strange.

I blew up the informant's car in Check Out Time and I didn't have to take pictures of the body.

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Biohazard Abyss

You don't have to take a picture anymore.

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Like I already said, I had to take a picture. The first time I did it we were flying around for 5 minutes trying to escape the cops, and it still told us to take a picture.

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Try doing it alone, and see if you still have to take a picture.

If you do... then Rockstar must have done something wrong, again.

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If it's a solo thing then I wouldn't know, as I almost always only play missions with friends. I guess in that case this is only for people who want to play in a group. Thanks for sharing that info btw, I had no idea that it was different for solo.

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Wow, that's pretty cool...I never would have thought.

In used to just blow the gates with a few grenades...blast my way around to where the dude is...photograph him...call lester and remove my wanted level...walk out like I own the place.

the Lester bit never worked for me the level just comes back anyway


hate how the cops feel the need to get involved, this mission's one for a team but I wish the hassle had a better objective than to take a picture of a dude you killed just coz Martin gets a boner over dead friends

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