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RACE: The UNWRITTEN alliance?


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I don't know about you guys but sometimes I think i'm in a secret alliance with other cars that are the same type as me.

Like I play favorites, i'll skip the adder if I see a turismo ahead of him and crash into him instead of the adder. Or if there's an adder and an entity infront of me, i'll always try and crash into the entity first ha..

In the end, i'll crash into anyone just because it makes me laugh so hard lol.

Does anyone else do this? Ionno, maybe it's bias towards color? Or someone with the same horn as you?


EDIT: Yes, I drive the adder. I have a garage that only holds 10 cars, I had to choose between the entity and the adder. I hate both cars and originally raced with the infernus. That's probably how I got good at ramming, infernus is slow and I had to defend the my first place because entities and adders would easily pass me up.

Edited by mochakaboom
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I must admit when the race finishes I do get a lot of joy seeing an Enity XF win the race ahead of the Adder's, especially the Adders with the chrome paint and clown horns. I always race in an Entity so there is a feeling that one of our boys got the win. Having said that I've never came across particular racer/s which I've formed an alliance with, usually it's every man/woman for themselves.

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Jolly Swagman

The title of this thread sounds the like the title of some skin head propaganda novel like the ones they found at Timothy McVeigh's house.

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The OP makes a good point though - see what he says:


i'll skip the adder if I see a turismo ahead of him and crash into him instead of the adder. Or if there's an adder and an entity infront of me, i'll always try and crash into the entity...


He is clearly driving an Adder - while all the other types of cars (Turismo, Entity) are ahead of him.


What does that say about Adders?

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The OP makes a good point though - see what he says:


i'll skip the adder if I see a turismo ahead of him and crash into him instead of the adder. Or if there's an adder and an entity infront of me, i'll always try and crash into the entity...


He is clearly driving an Adder - while all the other types of cars (Turismo, Entity) are ahead of him.


What does that say about Adders?





that most of their drivers are wankers?? (i joke, i know many adder drivers that arent wankers)


no but seriously, not much, its says hes not as good a driver than the other guys, doesnt say much about the car given that those 3 are pretty well balanced in terms of performance difference:driving style

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The OP makes a good point though - see what he says:


i'll skip the adder if I see a turismo ahead of him and crash into him instead of the adder. Or if there's an adder and an entity infront of me, i'll always try and crash into the entity...


He is clearly driving an Adder - while all the other types of cars (Turismo, Entity) are ahead of him.


What does that say about Adders?





that most of their drivers are wankers?? (i joke, i know many adder drivers that arent wankers)


no but seriously, not much, its says hes not as good a driver than the other guys, doesnt say much about the car given that those 3 are pretty well balanced in terms of performance difference:driving style



Yes, I guess I should have said "what does it say about Adder drivers".


Wankers. All of them.*


* I base the above statement on my own experience entirely. No empirical research was/will be undertaken to determine the masturbational habits of players driving Adder cars.

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The OP makes a good point though - see what he says:


i'll skip the adder if I see a turismo ahead of him and crash into him instead of the adder. Or if there's an adder and an entity infront of me, i'll always try and crash into the entity...


He is clearly driving an Adder - while all the other types of cars (Turismo, Entity) are ahead of him.


What does that say about Adders?





that most of their drivers are wankers?? (i joke, i know many adder drivers that arent wankers)


no but seriously, not much, its says hes not as good a driver than the other guys, doesnt say much about the car given that those 3 are pretty well balanced in terms of performance difference:driving style



Yes, I guess I should have said "what does it say about Adder drivers".


Wankers. All of them.*


* I base the above statement on my own experience entirely. No empirical research was/will be undertaken to determine the masturbational habits of players driving Adder cars.


I would like to back up this statement by admitting that i own an Adder for those long freeway snooze fests, and i masturbate fairly regularly.


I'd imagine most of my fellow Adder drivers do the same. Possibly all together, in a circle.... with a biscuit in the middle.

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Yes, I drive the adder. I have a garage that only holds 10 cars, I had to choose between the entity and the adder. I hate both cars and originally raced with the infernus. That's probably how I got good at ramming, infernus is slow and I had to defend my first place because entities and adders would easily pass me up.


Does that mean i'm a bad racer? No.. I was just poor and couldn't afford the adder/entity. While the stats are in favor of more expensive cars. So I had to either choose the band-aid (Adder) or... The flattened kleenix box (Entity)



The OP makes a good point though - see what he says:


i'll skip the adder if I see a turismo ahead of him and crash into him instead of the adder. Or if there's an adder and an entity infront of me, i'll always try and crash into the entity...


He is clearly driving an Adder - while all the other types of cars (Turismo, Entity) are ahead of him.


What does that say about Adders?


Says that they can catch up to them easily :p. But why are they infront in the first place? Because they are faster. But why are the adders catching up to them? Because they are faster OOOOHHH The awesome circle :p

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OP is 110% fa**ot. Learn to drive and you wouldn't have to rely on trying to wreck others to win.

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^^^ Damn I was staring at this guys display picture for a solid 5 minutes! hahaha


I personally find it annoying and noobish when people purposely ram into you when racing. If your car is too slow, then mod it or get a faster one!

I like to switch it up between the Adder, the Entity, and the Turismo. It really depends on the map. Long stretches = Adder. Lots of turns = Entity or Turismo.

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OP is 110% fa**ot. Learn to drive and you wouldn't have to rely on trying to wreck others to win.

Crying-Happy-Tears-Meme-Reaction-Gif.gifCry some more

Edited by mochakaboom
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If you cant handle dirty racers, then you are no way near as good as you think you are.

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OP is clearly trolling.


Do you even troll bro lol? Anyone isn't ontopic and complaining how rammers are BIG FAT MEANY HEADS lol... are the trolls since they're not even on topic

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The title of this thread sounds the like the title of some skin head propaganda novel like the ones they found at Timothy McVeigh's house.

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