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When i open my server....i see a message which it says:Querying MTA master server...failed!<404 error downloading requested files>
When i tryied this in my friend's computer its said:succes!
i think the problem is in my network...
you should know that gtaforunms..was not working but i did something and i think it works...microsoft.com was not working too and still even now....help me... it is working in my friend's computer (microsoft)...

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No i could not because when i type my ip and press inter it says:Problem with loading the page.

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When you say the website(s) aren't working what exactly do you get as the response?

Are you at home or on someone else's network at like a office of school?

If you're at home and there is a router between you and the modem, try connecting directly to the modem and see what you get.

Is there another computer in your home that you can try to connect to these same websites. A smart phone that is connected to the same network will also work, just make sure it's connected to the same network and not the cell network.

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