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Does Anybody Go For Realism?


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Does anyone go for a sense of realism when they play the game?


Sometimes during missions and free roam I like to only use a standard handgun, micro smg and pump shotgun. I also use a non super car, like my Sultan or motorbike.

I usually do this to get more of the criminal feel for the game. Sometimes blasting everything with an rpg makes it too easy and the missions lack challenge.

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I dont use super cars myself but I will not go out there with just a smg or the regular handgun

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Take a few smokes or a nice bottle of pißwasser before doing a mission solo

Sometimes I'd also park my car while making a few adjustments and have a drink of cola before heading out.

Driving like an NPC when I get bored

Edited by Gta-freak-VI
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Is this The Guy?

Reality is if I had a garage with 10 fast cars I'd be dead. Cause of death, car accident lol.


So in a way yeah I guess I do go for realism

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Yeah every time I pickup a prostitute I only let her suqmadiq just like in real life

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Handgun feels much more personal when firing. Cruising around in a Stanier gives it a more realistic feel, too

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I like to put HUD and Radar off, and walk around or drive normally lol

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Yeah every time I pickup a prostitute I only let her suqmadiq just like in real life

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When I want to go for realism, I walk outside. :p

Edited by Insert-Coin-To-Continue
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Realism? Yeah, sure. Whenever I get drunk, I drive myself home all the time.




Unfortunately you get shot instead of Busted in Online..

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i put all hus off and drive in my vacca, trying to hold to the speed limit but thats hard bc its fully tuned haha, makes it even the more fun tho :D

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Realism? Yeah, sure. Whenever I get drunk, I drive myself home all the time.




Unfortunately you get shot instead of Busted in Online..

This is one of the greatest things I have ever seen.

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The more real the better,

That's why I drive cars with great handling

Try to use the SNS Pistol because I love the cap gun like sound of it.

Remove silencers on all but 1 gun

No witnesses

Rarely obey traffic laws.


I go for realism.

Dis game is fweaking awesomz

Edited by Odyseous2040
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I like to put HUD and Radar off, and walk around or drive normally lol

I'd like it if more players would play this way, this is why I've campaigned for Hardcore Mode. I realize most will avoid Hardcore Mode as they do in other games that provide it, but for the few who would utilize it, I would be there participating.

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I wouldn't call it "realism" but in almost all missions I drive a 4-seater vehicle. Sometimes it's the van, sometimes one of the sporty cars, but most times the Tailgater.


I mean from my experience, I really don't want to get ditched by a prick who just assumed my car would be nearby, THEN complain I wasn't there because he died before I even got there. Major pricks.

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Yes, I do in many ways.


Unlike many other players I drive fast but still try to keep it on my side of the road and avoid crashing or even scratching my car. Some players seem to have gas at max all the time.


I avoid killing NPC. Even when driving fast at least trying to not hit them.


Also I park it like a normal person would do. Turn off the headlights when hiding from the police.


I dont use RPG on players and in tight places like the subway. Only use it on vehicles.


I paint my cars in boring colors.


I never shot my friends even if they have bountys. I defend them instead.


I rarely never commit suicide.

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my 'realism' is by making my cars look like their real life counterparts that have just rolled off the showroom floor. ferraris in red, jaguar in dark green, aston martin in bluey silver, bentley in a shiny beige, P1 in race yellow, lambo muira in slighlty paler yellow. no chrome, no ridiculous rims, no hideous spoilers, no body kits, just clean, classy cars.

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I use offroad vehicles for offroading though all the supercars do it better.

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Yeah every time I pickup a prostitute I only let her suqmadiq just like in real life


Every hole is a goal


OT - It would be nice to play like this with others, more like IV style, but no one is up for that. Most people just want to get as much money and RP as possible whilst avoiding the fun aspects, but I don't mind that.

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I'm actually doing a playthrough of Singleplayer right now where i have 0 car crashes for Michael & Trevor, and only 2 for Franklin.


No innocents killed, police only killed when needed to on missions, etc.


I'm already a third of the way through!

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I seem to be the only person I know to really love pistols in a game over some of the bigger weapons. I used to run around Battlefield 3 with a pistol a lot of the time with a suppressor and stealth kill people. They are much more satisfying imo and theres a reason Jack Bauer uses a pistol over a machine gun :lol: . I tried to get people to use pistols for a free roam deathmatch we were doing and it was fun until some buttmonkey brought out their RPG and then it was back to machine guns and explosives lol.

Edited by leonsilavant
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When I want to go for realism, I walk outside. :p

Only to find someone's placed sticky bombs on your drive way

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I try to use the traffic light for like 2 mins...

and I cant remember how many times I heard npc said things like sh*t dick, f*ck you to me...

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Realism? Who wants my realism, which is to hop into my Nissan Micra and wait in traffic for an hour each morning on my way to work.


Fek that.


I jump into my Entity, grab my sticky bombs and Gusenberg and go and blow up sh*t. Including traffic lights.


I hate traffic lights.

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