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[Xbox] St. Paddy's Day Bash

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We've planned on launching the St. Paddy's Day Bash around 7pm Irish time (2pm Eastern US time, etc) March 17th, so plan accordingly to where you live. This will include a car meet and drive, pub crawl, photo ops;

I am currently stringing together some missions, races, etc. for us to do, and hopefully a surprise, if we can pull it off, details will come when we go live.

Add me on xbox at Esewulf, or send me a message "St. Paddy's Bash" and we'll invite you into party chat and lobby. First come first serve basis.

As usual fair play is expected from everyone, looking forward to seeing you, and if you've got a mate that wants to join, we expect the same from them as well, and we are always recruiting.

See yous on St. Paddy's day.


Edited by ainbheartach
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