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I'm Confused About Something To Do With GTAO Stats


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I was browing through my GTAO stats, when I realized something. It always stays at $0 for "Given to others" and "Received from others". Now, I have shared money with friends from robbing stores and they have also done the same with me. It never seems to show up in stats, though. I thought robbing stores together and sharing money were supposed to count towards those stats.

Does sharing and receiving money only count for those stats, when completing jobs or what?

Thanks for any answers. I appreciate it.

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mmm chocolate

I think this may be glitched a bit from when people were giving out billions. And the stats may be frozen since the fallout.


One of the first things i did online was rob a store with someone and share the cash...now it says I am at 0 given to others.

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thats stat was ment for the "give cash" option that was removed due to money hacking during the early days of gtao, way before the billionaire days.

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Oh okay. I could have sworn it used to work once, but never really payed attention to it again, until now. I hope they remove it or at least make it work again. Otherwise it seems like a waste of space.

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Ok, im confused about something in the stats also. Under the Career section it says I have 6,959 player kills, but if I look under the Combat section it says I have 6,860 player kills. Where did these extra 99 kills come from lol?

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Ok, im confused about something in the stats also. Under the Career section it says I have 6,959 player kills, but if I look under the Combat section it says I have 6,860 player kills. Where did these extra 99 kills come from lol?



you have two characters? cos the combat stats are character based, the total stats are your total stats for both characters...

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