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World records


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This is my first post so sorry if its already a topic. Anyways I really want that world record tattoo but somehow people are able to do 50 mile races in 30 seconds. My question is are there any races without a hacked record, or maybe a glitch to get the tattoo.

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The records are all f*cked up, only way to get one now is if a new race is added, and your one of the first to race it. There was a server issue last week, where the world records went blank for a few hours, that's how me and a few others from here set ours. Even today 2 of my platinum awards sudden stopped progressing.

Edited by SteveNYC81
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mmm chocolate

Ahh..the benefits of playing a game when it first comes out...

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Jolly Swagman

Try doing a really weird number of laps like 78 or something and hope like hell you are the first to to pick that amount of laps



They are an excellent racer and completely legitimate obviously

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Ahh..the benefits of playing a game when it first comes out...

Dude the servers were so bad when online came out I had to make like 3 guys before I could even start the tutorial
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unless you were playing the game during the early days, chances are you would never get that tattoo.


they are all glitched times now.


i got mine like on my 2 day of gtao.

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OP welcome to the forum and you dont have to be sorry about anything this is a excellent post because im interested on how this can be achieved as i have most of my awards complete but this is one thats going to nag at me i can see it now :) ill do some searching for us and if i find anything ill let u know but no promises :)

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I've heard they wait out for hours until the clock resets...sad.

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some of the less raced track and verified content might have beatable times on em. i think nurburgring is still relatively unf*cked for the time being

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Yaaaaaaa.... When the game first came out there were some intresting glitches that allowed you to warp to the finish of the race or somthing like that. My advice, find a new race and do that or go onto a lap race (cirquit) set it to 1 lap and do that unitl your really good (aparntly as I learned whilst playing golf you can win a world record for getting a short number of strokes by just playing one hole.

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The world record on CR race is either .23 or .26 seconds. I don't even think a Lazer would lap the track that fast lol.

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I have 2 records on ps3. Forgot one and the other was one of the water races.


Lol 50 mile race done in 30 seconds

I don't even?...

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Ahh..the benefits of playing a game when it first comes out...

Dude the servers were so bad when online came out I had to make like 3 guys before I could even start the tutorial

I remember those days. Lol. I had over 15 characters.

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Sometimes the game will glitch and give you the tattoo. It happened to me on both of my accounts.

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Jolly Swagman

Simply play the track for 99 laps, done!

I'd go for 98 or something. I reckon there are bound to be people who have set the race for maximum laps but much less likely to choose 98 or 76 or something.

Edited by Jolly SWAGman
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Simply play the track for 99 laps, done!

I'd go for 98 or something. I reckon there are bound to be people who have set the race for maximum laps but much less likely to choose 98 or 76 or something.

it takes 55min to do a 99 lap ls form. 30secs a lap.

I highly doudt people would spend hours in a race XD

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Jolly Swagman


Oh but they do. I remember reading a post here by someone bitching that they got they say amount of cash for doing 99 laps of criminal records as doing 1 lap.it was a few patches ago.

There was someone else who posted saying they did a 99 lap race because the host changed it to 99 laps then left before the race started. They didn't quit because they were afraid of getting bad sports.

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I'm so glad the leaderboards hiccupped a week ago, and it only took me one lap.

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judging by this lot ill just wait till the next cock up at rockstars glitch HQ cos i aint doing 99 laps for sure :)

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R* should reset the leaderboards or take them away.


f*cking pathetic hackers thinking they're cool :bored:

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Happens with every single damn game that includes a clock and a car.


Seriously, R* are just a bit slow to react.


Anyone who ever played any Forza game will know. Except T10 were relatively quick to remove the bug then clean the leaderboards. R8 would probably wipe the boards but leave the bug behind.

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you dont need to do 99 laps, world records are based on the type of race and the number of laps


try doing a gta race for 9 laps and hitting every boost you can find... its not impossible to get a world record, personally ive had the "world record" title no less than 17 times


best bet is to wait till new tracks are released (DLC content or Verified jobs) then get in there as quickly as possible running odd lap numbers, changing from standard race to GTA Race and vice versa.


for those who doubt or want proof




set on the day it was released












and you can check the leaderboards that i still have a top 100 time on grass route 2

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Wait for the next content pack and hit one of the new races right away. I got my 2nd one that way, as soon as the update was live we started hammering GR2 and others getting most of the crew the tat.

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Wait for the next content pack and hit one of the new races right away. I got my 2nd one that way, as soon as the update was live we started hammering GR2 and others getting most of the crew the tat.


exactly, me and tolly did exactly that with all the new content, think at one point we held world records on every one of the new tracks... for about 5 seconds until someone else beat the time... we beat our own world records 6 times over on bluffing, shaving the WR time down from 1:30 to 1:17


its soo much easier attacking the new content on the day of release cos the leader boards are generally sketchy and the world records come flying in because the data for everyone isnt uploaded at the same time, its highly likely at the time you set a world record someone has already beaten it (we did once get a WR notification for a time that was slower than our previous run) but the dat hasnt updated properly.

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Got this day one in the race with Lamar. My first ever race. :D


However, I was lucky enough to be online when online (lol) was released, so if I had to guess, I would say I was within the first hundred people to get through. I must have been early enough that the servers were still functioning, as I had zero hiccups through the entire process, also never lost the character. So yeah, a lot of luck won me that.


It's the Racing Blonde tattoo right?

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