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buildings you can enter on online,is there a list/map?


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is there a list or map anywhere of all the buildings you can go into on online,not glitches/bugs,but the buildings with interiors.

ive found a few so far,couple of hatches blown open on roofs lead to ladders to inside,few airport buildings,the bank,electricitystation door opens to inside and a couple others but there mainly in the city.

there must be alot more over the map to find...?

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Sorry to break it to you but pretty much the only enterable buildings are the ones marked on the map like the stores, shops, barbers, and of course apartments. There's other buildings but its nothing special for any shoot outs or anything.

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Jolly Swagman

Sorry to break it to you but pretty much the only enterable buildings are the ones marked on the map like the stores, shops, barbers, and of course apartments. There's other buildings but its nothing special for any shoot outs or anything.

This is bullsh*t.


There are plenty of places you can enter besides shops/apartments and some of theme are pretty interesting and extremely good for shootouts (Trevor's meth lab being a good example)


I dont know if there is a list around though OP

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thats why I miss gta iv so badly

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We should have access tô that impound where we do the long strech mission... A good place too shootouts hahha

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Just discovered this about a week ago, I'm sure others have noticed this, but about a block east of the ornate bank there's a garage door that opens when you get close to it. It's just one room... at first I thought it would be a great place to hide from the cops but the door doesn't close when you get inside.

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There's also many hidden garages as well, rumored to be car hiding spots for heists. You can find videos of the locations on YouTube.

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Theres a few good ones mentioned there, hope they expand on the amount of interiors in the future

This is awesome. 2 friends and I did a cool hold up in the Pacific bank. We all placed bounties on each other and held people off for awhile lol. We were looking for other spots to do this.


Is there any buildings u can enter in the hill billy camp?

Edited by B-Turb0
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Sorry to break it to you but pretty much the only enterable buildings are the ones marked on the map like the stores, shops, barbers, and of course apartments. There's other buildings but its nothing special for any shoot outs or anything.

This is bullsh*t.


There are plenty of places you can enter besides shops/apartments and some of theme are pretty interesting and extremely good for shootouts (Trevor's meth lab being a good example)


I dont know if there is a list around though OP


How about the IAA building just shoot the 4 panes but only 3 will break and parachute from the opposite building

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ive started checking every door i go past as i only found the rear door at airport by shooting at it,and it opened,same at the electricity station.the hatch on top of the clocktower is cool as theres no way up to the roof via the ground,and you can climb down inside the tower to acess the roof.theres also a mall with multiple ladders inside to the roof through hatches but i carnt remember where exactly it is,somewhere oppisite the golfcourse i think,i will add it later.

heres a rough map of where ive found so far in the city.only a few but ive circled them in red...



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  • 2 weeks later...

The Cop shop 2 u can glitch into it my friend showed me how pretty cool shooting cops coz they cant get in :lol:

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Just discovered this about a week ago, I'm sure others have noticed this, but about a block east of the ornate bank there's a garage door that opens when you get close to it. It's just one room... at first I thought it would be a great place to hide from the cops but the door doesn't close when you get inside.

Map Location?

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This is why deathmatches are so sh*t online, there'd be nothing better than a big shootout in a meth factory or other decent interior, but no, the closest we get is a maze, where the fighting takes place outside the f*cking maze! Seriously?!!

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