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I have not published 63 races I only have 4.

Yeah, i just saw that page. It has me at 108 published races, when i only have 57, i think.


#1 on That Page, supposedly.

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I have no idea why I placed 17, exclude the verified track, the total amount of ratings of all my tracks were far less than 6 million..

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I have not published 63 races I only have 4.

Yeah, i just saw that page. It has me at 108 published races, when i only have 57, i think.


#1 on That Page, supposedly.



You only have 57 races, but you'll have republished some of them at least once. Rockstar treated republished content instead of new recently, hence the skewed figures (it may still treat them as new, but I read that they carry over their stats now, so I dunno if it no longer applies).


Everything else appears to be accurate, at least as far as my own stats are concerned on the leaderboard.


Edit: Having said that, community plays to thumbs up on social club seems off. I have half the amount of plays as I do thumbs up, which doesn't make sense unless Rockstar count thumbs up on solo runs but not plays. :/

Edited by Insert-Coin-To-Continue
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The likes on this site may very well be non-unique likes(counts yours each time you thumb up a replayed custom track of your own), because i know the ones on socialclub are tallied as unique likes(your vote will only count once per track). Seems that thumbs up are also attributed to the creators for their verified work, which is pretty cool('grats poklaan).


The published stat seems to count re-edits/updated/versioned as a whole 'nother "published" race, although it is just editing and then republishing an already created race.


Both stats seem to be accurate if the above is assumed to be in fact correct.

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I have not published 63 races I only have 4.

Yeah, i just saw that page. It has me at 108 published races, when i only have 57, i think.


#1 on That Page, supposedly.



You only have 57 races, but you'll have republished some of them at least once. Rockstar treated republished content instead of new recently, hence the skewed figures (it may still treat them as new, but I read that they carry over their stats now, so I dunno if it no longer applies).


Everything else appears to be accurate, at least as far as my own stats are concerned on the leaderboard.


Edit: Having said that, community plays to thumbs up on social club seems off. I have half the amount of plays as I do thumbs up, which doesn't make sense unless Rockstar count thumbs up on solo runs but not plays. :/


I have more likes > community plays think we are missing something there.

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Those stats are BS. No one has 30 million likes.


Republishing a track counts as a new track made.

Plays while in a playlist don't count as plays but will count as like/dislike...thats how plays is lower than likes sometimes.


My social club "thubs up" stat does not match the counts on my tracks...I am no where near 10k.

I have 1729 likes across 37 jobs.


I don't even show up on that list.

Edited by LuapYllier
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You won't show up if you haven't used their Contact page to ask to be added.


Toobsock runs the site I believe, so you might want to holler at him for any discrepancies.

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You won't show up if you haven't used their Contact page to ask to be added.


Toobsock runs the site I believe, so you might want to holler at him for any discrepancies.

I am sure the discrepancy is with rockstar not that site.
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You won't show up if you haven't used their Contact page to ask to be added.


Toobsock runs the site I believe, so you might want to holler at him for any discrepancies.

I am sure the discrepancy is with rockstar not that site.

They only have 708 records now out of a possible 30+ million players

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2nd for races published.

101st for community plays.

78th for thumbs up.

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It says I have 5 deathmatches published - but I've only ever created two. Nuff said about the stats on that site.

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It says I have 5 deathmatches published - but I've only ever created two. Nuff said about the stats on that site.

That's weird. Mine are correct.


Are you sure you were on the correct leaderboard?


The link that op made was for thumbs up.

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It says I have 5 deathmatches published - but I've only ever created two. Nuff said about the stats on that site.

The stats are legit, updated once a day.. they are 100% accurate to the Social Club, but with the option to look at your progression, etc.


Every time you make ANY change to content (even edit the description) and then publish, it will reset the likes and plays and count it as another piece published.

Edited by toobsock
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I'm glad they seem to have fixed the leaderboards and likes. My races are at number 14,15,25 and 33 as of today. I have a few more that are going up fast though.

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It says I have 5 deathmatches published - but I've only ever created two. Nuff said about the stats on that site.


IIRC social club counts edits as a new track (which is why they lost pre-edit votes as your effectively creating a new track and deleting the old one when you update/edit it)


i presume youve made 2 DM's of which you edited 3 further times


I can assure you Toob's stats are a direct feed and social club is "right" (by the way they determine right...) its just not explained properly that thats what happens...


@toob - i like the leaderboard ... its cool

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I have not published 63 races I only have 4.

Yeah, i just saw that page. It has me at 108 published races, when i only have 57, i think.


#1 on That Page, supposedly.



This is because revising a race/DM also counts in the number of published ones. If you revise the same race 10 times, you get 10 more published races in the statistics.

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link to said page in question plz....

made 26 dms

and 13 races

got 2k plays on my most popular DM

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It has put me down in the 50's somewhere. Frankly though this is a completely pointless leader board as the data they are tapping into is bogus. Rockstar tracks just about everything but it has so many bugs in the system that you can't believe any of the information. I have so many examples I won't even bother trying to list them all.


I randomly picked one of the names above me on the list with 7 million plus thumbs up and went to his social page to check out his work and he has a grand total of 14 likes across 9 creations.


Not trying to dis on this list...just the source of their info is completely f*cked up.

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I'm not sure what to think about this...

Is this again one of these places where we masturbate our ego with numbers ?

Cause that doesn't seem very useful.

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