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Dirty racers don't deserve to win


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If they have to go all noob mode and slam into you because they can't beat you fair, then they don't deserve to win. I think that they should lose win money if they hit people. Then they would play clean and fair.

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You know what I think is funny.



The bad guy in a certain racing movie was known for doing the same thing.


So I wouldn't stress it as long as the person pitting you knows they're bad. But if both of you are tied for first than I think that's a different story.

Edited by Xavierr
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Unfortunately this is a game that emphasizes the notion "good guys finish last".

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True...but every noob should have a chance to win right?

But that chance shouldn't involve screwing other racers so they finish last.


You know what I think is funny.



The bad guy in a certain racing movie was known for doing the same thing.

Yes, but it rarely happens that they crash in GTA.

Sack up it's a game.


Rubbin's racing.

It's not rubbin when they come all the way across the road to slam into you.

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There is nothing more satisfying than when some fool tries to f*ck you up by knocking you off track then you end up winning the race anyway.

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Lol just make sure you ram their asses right back.


I'm mostly clean when I race, fairly good record with 472 wins and 310 losses. But if there's an asshole ramming me then f*ck that just ram them right back off the road.

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Lol just make sure you ram their asses right back.


I'm mostly clean when I race, fairly good record with 472 wins and 310 losses. But if there's an asshole ramming me then f*ck that just ram them right back off the road.

I try, but when I do, I still somehow get punished.

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When some douche bashes into you hard enough your AP pistol should automatically be enabled! Even in standard races.. :p

Edited by Malibu454
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There is nothing more satisfying than when some fool tries to f*ck you up by knocking you off track then you end up winning the race anyway.

Sure there is, when it causes a massive wipe out and everyone goes off the road, (including the fool). Allowing the driver at the rear to pull ahead into victory.

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I got beat by a dirty racer so I'm going to rage and make a stupid topic about it!

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I am thinking about joining that racing crew that has a bunch of members here.

Anyone know the name or if they are taking on new members? I like trading paint and even wrecking can be fun but getting rammed 10 feet from the starting line is weighing in on my nerves.

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I totally agree that people shouldn't be able to ram cars into each other in a violent game dealing with cars and doing whatever you want. The 2 things just don't go together.


(Sarcasm overload)

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This is GTA online we're taking about. I don't see why you expected anything different.

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This is why you either let the dirty ones get ahead in the beginning and let the chaos start.. or once they're near you get ready to do a hard break when you see them about to ram you, if lucky they will most likely crash into a wall and spin as you pass by.


Either that or fight fire with fire.

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DJ Kornphlake

I don't care about winning as much I do making sure the d-bag rammers don't finish ahead of me.

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could be worse






all is fair, I say





it's hard to get rammed from behind if you're in last place

so I have no issues with dirty drivers

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I got beat by a dirty racer so I'm going to rage and make a stupid topic about it!

Your post is irrelevant.

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I find it funny to pull pit maneuvers on the people in front of me..


If they have to go all noob mode and slam into you because they can't beat you fair, then they don't deserve to win. I think that they should lose win money if they hit people. Then they would play clean and fair.

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I find it funny to pull pit maneuvers on the people in front of me..


If they have to go all noob mode and slam into you because they can't beat you fair, then they don't deserve to win. I think that they should lose win money if they hit people. Then they would play clean and fair.


I find it funny that you suck so bad at racing that you have to do that to win.

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If they have to go all noob mode and slam into you because they can't beat you fair, then they don't deserve to win. I think that they should lose win money if they hit people. Then they would play clean and fair.

The problem with this? I have accidentally wiped out other players before. Whether I was trying to cut a corner at the same time as them or trying to dodge a car (NPC) coming straight at me, I have wiped out other players on accident.


I have also PURPOSELY wiped players out. Sorry, but it's GRAND THEFT AUTO.... go play Gran Turismo or Need for Speed or something....


These are the car physics R* chose to have in the game..... and if slip stream is on than I'm wiping players out left and right..... Why wouldn't I? What else can I do? Pass them cleanly?!? No, because then they'll just pass me right back.... oh and while they're passing me THEY wipe ME out.....


It all depends on the settings (Slip stream, catch up, traffic on/off, etc...)


It's called using your brain and doing what you have to, to win the race. Because don't forget... It's GRAND THEFT AUTO....


One more thing.... yes it annoys me when other players wipe me out.... but it's the type of game this is.... and I choose to keep playing it, and I have accepted that.


Stop crying like a little kiddie and go play a different racing game... There are PLENTY out there

Edited by fish61324
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If they have to go all noob mode and slam into you because they can't beat you fair, then they don't deserve to win. I think that they should lose win money if they hit people. Then they would play clean and fair.

The problem with this? I have accidentally wiped out other players before. Whether I was trying to cut a corner at the same time as them or trying to dodge a car (NPC) coming straight at me, I have wiped out other players on accident.


I have also PURPOSELY wiped players out. Sorry, but it's GRAND THEFT AUTO.... go play Gran Turismo or Need for Speed or something....


These are the car physics R* chose to have in the game..... and if slip stream is on than I'm wiping players out left and right..... Why wouldn't I? What else can I do? Pass them cleanly?!? No, because then they'll just pass me right back.... oh and while they're passing me THEY wipe ME out.....


It all depends on the settings (Slip stream, catch up, traffic on/off, etc...)


It's called using your brain and doing what you have to, to win the race. Because don't forget... It's GRAND THEFT AUTO....


One more thing.... yes it annoys me when other players wipe me out.... but it's the type of game this is.... and I choose to keep playing it, and I have accepted that.


Stop crying like a little kiddie and go play a different racing game... There are PLENTY out there


Learn how to drive.

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If they have to go all noob mode and slam into you because they can't beat you fair, then they don't deserve to win. I think that they should lose win money if they hit people. Then they would play clean and fair.

The problem with this?

Sorry, but it's GRAND THEFT AUTO.... go play Gran Turismo or Need for Speed or something....


.... Because don't forget... It's GRAND THEFT AUTO....


...but it's the type of game this is....

I find it funny when people say "It's GTA", as if GTA is about blowing sh*t up & being the biggest bunghole you can.


This is a surefire way to tell apart the casual crowd from the real GTA fans.


No GTA fan says that. Sure, it's there, but you know that's not the purpose of the game at all.


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DJ Kornphlake

I don't know why the dirty racers just don't do GTA races. It's exactly the mode of racing tailored for them.

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I swear we could've had a topic like this, in this section, talking about this same subject, with a few of the same members posting the other day, or was that the other week? Regardless, there can never be enough complaint topics!

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I don't know why the dirty racers just don't do GTA races. It's exactly the mode of racing tailored for them.

Because when everyone plays dirty, they have no chance at all.

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Its not even a problem...they always f*ck it up for themselves... Wankers.

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