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GTA SA Beta Bike Sound


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So, I saw this mod for the BF-400 where the bike sounds like a real racing bike, not like a moped as it sounds in the original. It's the Beta mod with a whole heap of beta features, but I just want this sound. If anybody has this mod and would help me by uploading the sound files. By the way, how do you download sound files, you just put them in a folder or via IMG tool?

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Use Alci's SAAT GUI Frontend to add the sound in but only once you have the sound, obviously. The sound bank for the BF-400, NRG-500 and PCJ-600 engine sounds are in Bank 118 and 119.

Don't use SAAT to add sounds, use Mod Loader.

First because SAAT method is buggy and gives you sound artifacts if you increase the sound size, and second, because, well, Mod Loader is much much much easier.


Also, you can easily find the bank for each thing looking on this table

Edited by LINK/2012
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Don't use SAAT to add sounds, use Mod Loader.

First because SAAT method is buggy and gives you sound artifacts if you increase the sound size, and second, because, well, Mod Loader is much much much easier.

TJGM told me about your Mod Loader, maybe I'll try it out. I also didn't know you can modify the audio files in your Mod Loader.

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