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What's the problem with Chrome?


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Sure it may look tacky on some cars, but some people actively go out and seek out "chradders" and destroy them. Can't you let that player enjoy his car he spent his glitched or hard earned money on? People don't actively blow up the horrendous color combination you inevitably have on your car? f*cks sake some of you guys are so immature. Should I brace myself for people saying I own a chrome car?

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It's because of the people that drive them. It is a complex situation of ego vs Id and cognitive dissonance.

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I wish I had copied and saved, what I wrote before, in microsoft word..... here, let me give you quick explanation...


People would buy Adders and then Chrome them..... other people figured they were doing that because they wanted to show off that they had a really expensive car.


Other people got annoyed AND/OR jealous and THAT started a TREND of "Hating Chrome Cars" (more specifically Adders)


People who hate Chrome Adders are too stupid to realize that some people might actually genuinely like Chrome Adders and aren't just driving them around to say "Look I'm richer and better than you".


People don't even realize WHY they hate Chrome Adders, they just do it because they are "followers" and go with the crowd

Edited by fish61324
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There's nothing wrong with chrome cars...when they are destroyed

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Its because some people can't deal with people who have a different kind of taste than themselves. Its sad really.

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It's because of the people that drive them. It is a complex situation of ego vs Id and cognitive dissonance.

SEE, LOL..... just like I said. This GranSnake guy thinks there is this whole conspiracy around chrome adders and just hates them because everyone else does... eg: "A complex situation" lol what?!

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I just don't understand why everyone thinks chrome is expensive...

Because it costs 25k and that's like 4x the price of a normal run of the mill paintjob.

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People hate on chrome because all the cool kids are doing it these days.


Now can I hear you say Baaaaahhh....



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I wish I had copied and saved, what I wrote before, in microsoft word..... here, let me give you quick explanation...


People would buy Adders and then Chrome them..... other people figured they were doing that because they wanted to show off that they had a really expensive car.


Other people got annoyed AND/OR jealous and THAT started a TREND of "Hating Chrome Cars" (more specifically Adders)


People who hate Chrome Adders are too stupid to realize that some people might actually genuinely like Chrome Adders and aren't just driving them around to say "Look I'm richer and better than you".


People don't even realize WHY they hate Chrome Adders, they just do it because they are "followers" and go with the crowd

That pretty much sums it up.

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Chrome as a secondary color is a must on some cars, i.e; Alpha and Roosevelt

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Everything is wrong with it, especially it's application as a whole coat paint job. It looks great on custom motorcycles, engine bays, and rims. That's it.

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Strange Town

Chrome works only in certain cars. But I know how to respect tastes so if you pass near me with a chromed car I won't shoot you. I hate the #5 musical horn but I don't blow their cars.


I hate to offend people who didn't offend me first, but people who destroy chrome cars just for the sake of it or because they don't like it are idiots.

Edited by Strange Town
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It's because of the people that drive them.


In my experience, I hardly ever see anyone with Chrome vehicles, they're a rarity for me and assholery is still everywhere, flying around at breakneck speeds. The few players that I have met who have owned Chrome vehicles, secondary or primary colored, were not hostile or elitist in the slightest.


Stop ass-pulling.

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Honestly I don't see the problem with it, I had a few cars that were chromed and I slowly started changing their colors just to avoid getting bitched at.. it's weird but it's whatever.


I did leave my personal favorites with the chrome look though, and I'm never afraid of showing it around when I get the chance

(Showing around as in not caring about the hate, not as in.. "I'm rich" because I am definitely far away from that title)

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Chrome makes me cringe. It doesn't look good on 99% of cars. Some guy invited me to his garage so I went because I was bored. He had a chrome Adder and Entity. I proceeded to spawn kill him just for ruining an Entity.

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Biohazard Abyss

I hate people who like chrome, who assume that people hate it because it's a bandwagon.


It's tacky as f*ck. I blow up Entitys with white walls and dollar rims too. Chrome isn't the only bad thing in this game.

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There is no problem with a color. The problem is with ignorant and immature people that fight something just because they don't like how it looks and/or because they think the player who owns it must be an asshole etc (chrome often is associated with that, at least in GTAO). They ignore the fact that different kind of people and tastes exist and sh*t on those of others. They act like they have an IQ of 70 and seem to be mentally restricted. It's a pretty low behavior, kind of like racism or discrimination or generalization, when you fight against someone who has another skin color or is homosexual, or when you say every jew is greedy.

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Chrome makes me cringe. It doesn't look good on 99% of cars. Some guy invited me to his garage so I went because I was bored. He had a chrome Adder and Entity. I proceeded to spawn kill him just for ruining an Entity.


Entities look like sh*t to begin with. Chrome is just icing on the tissue box

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The problem with chrome is all the whiny hipsters/sheep.


Ain't nothin wrong with it. Chrome is badass and you all know it.

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i dont have a problem with chrome...


it just that my autoshutgun have a fatal attraction!

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There is no problem with chrome. People just use their unwarranted disdain for it as a reason to kill players.

Edited by RocknRumble
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It's because of the people that drive them. It is a complex situation of ego vs Id and cognitive dissonance.

This. [/endthread]

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Because stupid people need to stereo type to feel more secure about the big world they live in.

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It's because of the people that drive them. It is a complex situation of ego vs Id and cognitive dissonance.

SEE, LOL..... just like I said. This GranSnake guy thinks there is this whole conspiracy around chrome adders and just hates them because everyone else does... eg: "A complex situation" lol what?!

Wow, I said nothing about a conspiracy. It's human psychology there bright eyes.

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