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So have you randomly run into someone from the forum in a session/job?

Miss Malevolent

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I do all the time. Perks of being in Red Rum Racing.


What happens: we race

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We Are Ninja

I don't think I've run across a single person from the forums in all my time playing...

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Been in sessions with a few from here. Defo be nice to find certain others in the same session, but they're on Xbox

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Bus Rider 1

Met quite a few from here and befriended some. Their voices and personalities always seem different from what I expected

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I ran into one guy from the forums, but encountered that bug where all the players get dropped from the lobby, so we couldn't exchange niceties.

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I ran into Deffpony and we added each other but we never play lol.

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Feel free to run into me, GT Gransnake. I'm usually up for anything. Pull a few jobs, head into freeroam, cause a war or end one, anything.

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Not that I've noticed, I post here a lot but I don't really 'connect' or make friends with anyone

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Seems like a high percentage are on PS3... but still, I'm a bad person and hardly ever look at the names of the players.


At my advanced age, I'm lucky to remember my own gamertag.


Have not run into anyone that I know of.

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I added someone who wanted some forum members to play with. Jamp in session with him and did a race. race starts...he spun me out deliberately lol. I still won regardless. Then i invited him to a job and after spending most of it trying to blow me up he then shot me as we returned to free mode.


Only decent guy ive added from this forum is MR Hollick but unfortunately work commitments/different time zones i never even see him online when im on for my daily 20-30 minutes.

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not so much "run into" but ive played with a couple on the forums from RRR

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I have. Ran into one gang that operated here. Bent them over and gave them a good anal pounding IG with an enjoyable massacre on them. And another group of chill guys. It's quite possible many have been in sessions and not seen each other simply but not knowing each others tags.

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Biohazard Abyss

95% sure I ran into Tritium but neither of us said anything to each other, so not sure if it was him.

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Got in a lobby with iTz-JoNeSy a while back.


We messaged eachother a few times but didn't add eachother.

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Ran into Hodgey but it was kinda expected (it was an organized event but didn't know he was part of it) we did add each other after that

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I have run into a sh!t talker. I usually die a lot, but he got the worst of it. Then he posted an epic tale the next day, lol.

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Miss Malevolent

I think I ran into someone today, but I don't remember the name. I'm going to have to start paying better attention to the randoms I play with. Cause it would be cool to run into a forum member.

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I might have, but not sure. Wish I had some of you guys on my friends list though. (not the whiners) GT: Dr BumperHumper

Cheers :)

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I wish I have run into Tritium.


Given the opportunity, I would spawn kill Tritium all day long.

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Jolly Swagman

I was in a lobby with Bio yesterday at random. Sent a message and got one back but i obviously didn't leave much of an impression ;)


95% sure I ran into Tritium but neither of us said anything to each other, so not sure if it was him.

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Odds are I have, but I didn't know it.

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probably have but to my knowledge i have not played with no one from here.

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Seems like a high percentage are on PS3... but still, I'm a bad person and hardly ever look at the names of the players.


At my advanced age, I'm lucky to remember my own gamertag.


Have not run into anyone that I know of.


i blew up an armored truck for you the other day, died in the process.

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None that I'm aware of. I know someone on here but i had him added before he joined. Actually there are two but the other wasn't met randomly. So still none :(

Edited by Semperfiman550
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