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gta 5 online ?

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Hi Matt, you just need Xbox live gold to play online


And an Internet connection for your Xbox of course.


Rob in UK

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is there a way to get a gold pass ? seems expensive where as ps is free :(

A Month costs 6.99 if you buy it over the Microsoft Shop.

(I don't know how much those cost in Dollars,I'm European,Euros/Pound/Dollars are not worth the same...)

Edited by CrazyDog150
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Captain Mannering


If you are really willing to try it out and you don't have Xbox Live Gold, Simplycdkeys has 1 month for £5.99, 3 months for £11.99.

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If you are really willing to try it out and you don't have Xbox Live Gold, Simplycdkeys has 1 month for £5.99, 3 months for £11.99.


Don't you get 1 Month free Gold for starting a new account?

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If you are really willing to try it out and you don't have Xbox Live Gold, Simplycdkeys has 1 month for £5.99, 3 months for £11.99.


yes def want to try it out :)))))

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Captain Mannering



If you are really willing to try it out and you don't have Xbox Live Gold, Simplycdkeys has 1 month for £5.99, 3 months for £11.99.


Don't you get 1 Month free Gold for starting a new account?



You should be able to but unfortunately you still have to add your card details in (mainly so Microsoft can auto-renew it unless you deactivate it).

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Look at all the pinned topics here. Higher paying jobs, higher selling cars, etc.


Single player was great, enjoy it. Practice using free aim(you get more RP with it online and well, it's more fun having to ACTUALLY aim) There's an option under settings. Make sure you set all your settings how you like them. I prefer the camera angle high for example.


When you start online, the tutorial will take a while and after the race with Lamar, it will drop you in a PUBLIC game(be aware of the white dots as they are other players). You can lose your car I believe at this point if not careful.Follow the tutorial. Make sure you complete it because near the end you will get your car insured for free plus a couple free mods.


After all that, focus on RP or play missions with other players because they will jobs with better cash and RP payouts. But be careful cruising around. People are ruthless. Use the back/select button to set options on your car(only allow passengers).


Also, always fill up on snacks from the food/liquor stores. They are marked on the map. If you are in cover(RB/R1) or in a car you will gain more health from the snack(and quicker). Very useful on missions or if being hunted by another player or chased down by police.


You can access jobs on your phone, and you can pick specific jobs from the start menu. Start-online-jobs-host job-r* created-missions http://gtaforums.com/topic/614195-job-reward-database-rp-cash/


Make sure you sell a car to LSC(Los santos customs) every once in a while. This is a good way to make money as a low level. You can sell one every 48 mins of real time(equivalent of one in game day) http://gtaforums.com/topic/613925-car-sales-topic/


Once you accumulate enough money, buy the weapons at Ammunation(gun shop) and eventually focus on buying an apartment. Aim for a good one Use the apartment database here. http://gtaforums.com/topic/617422-apartment-database-photos-included/ If you buy a new apartment/garage, you will automatically sell the old one for about half the price.


You can drive some vehicles into your garage but some you must purchase from the websites(use a computer or your in game phone) You'll notice maze bank where you can deposit all your cash into your bank account plus a few websites where you can purchase planes, choppers, boats, bikes, and cars. You have 10 car slots if you buy a high end apartment(and 3 bicycle slots) Planes, choppers, and military vehicles are all accessed by calling pegasus(phone contact)


Insurance- You can purchase insurance in LSC. If you buy a vehicle from a website it comes with insurance. If your vehicle is destroyed, call Mors Mutual Insurance and they will replace your car. If another player blows up your car, they will usually have to pay for it, but you still have to make the call.


Police-Just like any GTA game basically. 3 stars means choppers. Parking garages are great, as are the sewers of LS. Going to LSC or your apartment also will get rid of them.


Car Impound- If you die with your PV(personal vehicle) nearby from the police, they will impound your car on the south side of LS.You can steal it back by hopping the gate and getting 2 stars, or walk up to the gate and pay a measly $250.


Solo/Invite only sessions- While in SINGLE PLAYER, press start, go to gta online, and choose them from there.


Saving. In SP you can save through your phone or using a safehouse. In Online, the game will periodically save but to be safe, you should go back to SP before you turn off your console.

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Try to find someone who is playing rooftop rumble, you will level up and earn money quickly. Get the elegy for free from ledgendary motorsport and you will be able to get a couple of other free vehicles from southern san andreas. If you are willing to glitch and take the easy route, there are many money glitches available but use them at your own risk, plus there are ways to bring in some cars from single player and store them if you cannot afford the upgrades.

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hi guys

im still rather new to all this online thing


how do u do this online ???


i mean i got gta 5 only on xbox.


do i need to buy the pc gta 5 to play online ?????


hope someone can help.


matt in uk


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Hard to take this seriously..... He has been registered here longer than most people replying.

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