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No Saint Patrick's Day DLC?

Saint Patrick's Day DLC  

179 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you have liked a Saint Patrick's Day DLC?

    • Definitely.
    • Not a chance.

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Scary Éire

Would've been nice but don't reckon there's any chance. Also you don't have to be Irish to enjoy Paddy's Day content, I ain't a beach bum but I enjoyed the broken bottle & Bifta

Edited by Scary Éire
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All of February should be black appreciation day in gtao. Complete with black face paint, welfare work boots and old English 40s for snacks.


We should also be able to eat some bananas.

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Your poll options don't match up with the question. Your question should have yes/no options, or the question should be "Will there be Saint Patricks Day DLC?".


Would you have liked a Saint Patrick's Day DLC?

YES / Definitely.

NO / Not a chance.



Poll is faulty, I'm neither. Don't really care either way.


Don't care.


Forgot to add that option.


Highly doubt a chance ! Just because you mentioned it





I'd have loved to see leprechaun outfits and hats, along with a rainbow showing the direction of every crate drop.


Your thoughts?

You're racist.



Nope, not at all.

Edited by Bastean
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Is OP stupid? St Patrick's day is Irish only. Why would SCOTTISH developers, release DLC for an IRISH only day? Valentine's day is celebrated by most of the planet, Christmas is the same. That's why we got DLC for those occasions. Fourth time saying this = Nobody cares about Irish. I don't care that my girlfriend is Irish either.

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More content is always nice.


Limited time content is not. Which any sort of one-day Holiday DLC would almost certainly be, like the Valentines and Xmas content.

Edited by JohnGazman
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Is OP stupid? St Patrick's day is Irish only. Why would SCOTTISH developers, release DLC for an IRISH only day? Valentine's day is celebrated by most of the planet, Christmas is the same. That's why we got DLC for those occasions. Fourth time saying this = Nobody cares about Irish. I don't care that my girlfriend is Irish either.

Plenty of people care bout the irish. Check Boston and Savannah this weekend.

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It's not really a big holiday


I would disagree


Is OP stupid? St Patrick's day is Irish only. Why would SCOTTISH developers, release DLC for an IRISH only day? Valentine's day is celebrated by most of the planet, Christmas is the same. That's why we got DLC for those occasions. Fourth time saying this = Nobody cares about Irish. I don't care that my girlfriend is Irish either.


Are you stupid? It's not "Irish only". Considering it's been recognized as a "Christian holiday" for hundreds of years and observed by the Catholic Church (among others), you've got some holes in your theory.


First time saying this: no one cares about your ignorant comments.


And really, it was a legitimate question - OP was curious and wanted community feedback. Absolutely no reason for you to be an asshole about it.

Edited by G37
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