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How much will the Paid for DLC be?

GTA Master 007

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If it is anything like TBOGT or TLAD it will be $20 USD and I have no idea for EU.

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1600 Microsoft points or $20. That's nothing compared to the cashcards that last as long a couple of days or so.

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We Are Ninja

How much will it be?




Need to start saving up my lunch money


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DLC would be free, it would only require a 1 time use pass code that can only be obtained by buying the 3.5million cash card...

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Maybe $30 tops is my guess, we will just have to wait and find out. :^:

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grand theft spaghetti

you have to buy 10 bags of chips and 10 bottles of soda, collect the codes and then get the dlc.

a 7/11 summer promotional deal with rockstar.


wont somebody think of the slurpees?


vercetti cherry

franklin grape

trevor wild berry

micheal pineapple

cj orange

Edited by ijustcameheretobeeotch
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paid DLC? is this just speculation, or was something said regarding this?

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paid DLC? is this just speculation, or was something said regarding this?


It was hinted at a while back that while some GTA content would be free, some DLC would be paid for.


That being said, it wasn't specified whether any paid content would be for Online or more SP focused. To be fair, I would happily pay for a big SP DLC package as long as some of the assets introduced get knocked over into Online as well.

Edited by JohnGazman
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its simple it will be regular price for everyone but you OP,you have to pay double

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So far every dlc for gtaV has been free... What am I missing that everyone keeps assuming the next patch won't be free?

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If it is anything like TBOGT or TLAD it will be $20 USD and I have no idea for EU.

This is what I think it will be. And even at $20, I am going to wait for the reviews before I get it, not because I can't afford the $20 from my lunch money, but because if the story is as short and simple as the basic GTAV, and if it has the same characters and if the DLC has the same writers, I don't want to support it.


After GTA IV, when the TLOD biker DLC came out, I could tell right away it was not worth paying for I waited, and then they packaged TBOGT with TLOD as EFLC, and that was an OK deal, and actually I liked TBOGT a lot. The only downside to that DLC was having only one safehouse, which was a real f*ck-up, since I had to make an effort to spend time going to other parts of the map to give them equal exploration and play time.


I hope the GTAV story DLC is done right.





So far every dlc for gtaV has been free... What am I missing that everyone keeps assuming the next patch won't be free?

They are talking about story DLC, like EFLC. I expect to pay for that up front.

Edited by saintsrow
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If we buy a major singleplayer dlc which also includes new air vehicles like hunters, would we be able to get it for free from the in-game internet or would there an entirely different server for those with the dlc?

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What's going on? Is there a dlc coming? One we have to pay for?

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