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Gta V Needs Marathons Online

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System 11:11

Seriously why not, use stamina and lung capacity to the max. Swimming, running, and biking in one instance. Totals of each event could be added up to find the overall winner. I feel this could be quite fun if implemented. Thoughts and opinions?


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Marathons? We already have EgoChasers!


(You may need to be English and over a certain age to get that joke)

I get it ;).


Yeah, I would love the content creator to allow you to use multiple vehicles etc for a race...fly to here, bike up the mountain, parachute down and swim to finish etc. Would be great.


Seriously why not, use stamina and lung capacity to the max. Swimming, running, and biking in one instance. Totals of each event could be added up to find the overall winner. I feel this could be quite fun if implemented. Thoughts and opinions?


im such a nerd i would totally do this...my xbox name is my name here "foleydelphia"


I'm not sure. Did you play them in SP? The last one pretty much has you mashing the run button for 25 minutes straight.

I was in the middle of the cycling portion when I wanted to see if I could change the headlights, it got me out of the race. I finally beat it, but my fingers, man. Also, in the cycling bit, its always one NPC who just zooms past everyone.

I have made 5 triathlon races so far (PS3).








1. Cycling 2. Swimming 3. Running. You need to play in GTA mode in order to get off the bike. Great fun when playing with friends!


As long as its not long like the triathlon in GTA V. It takes almost 30 (real time) minutes to finish it and your thumb gets really sore from tapping X(A) constantly

f*cking hell that triathlon was mental...if i had of known before hand I wouldn't have bothered...and it looked at one stage near the end that I might even lose...I would have gone ape sh*t lol

Edited by malcolmfunktion

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