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gta rooftop anyone wanna help me


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I am so sick of hearing about this mission, and sick of lower level players messaging me on psn asking if I will invite them, and I dont respond, so they ask again, and again, Then I find them, and kill them.

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I am so sick of hearing about this mission, and sick of lower level players messaging me on psn asking if I will invite them, and I dont respond, so they ask again, and again, Then I find them, and kill them.


I had some squeaker begging me to invite him to Rooftop Rumble during a voting screen after a mission. I told him to shut-up as listening to him was giving me cancer. Didn't even feel a tiny bit bad for saying it.

Edited by am30
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Low levels dont need RR when theres Coveted. Some people make 250k/hr on RR and on Coveted. It's a matter of choice. The only reason kids want to do RR is because of youtube dbags.

Kids are spoiled sheeple nowadays. I've seen at least 5 or so kids kicking and screaming at a shopping mall cause they wanted an iphone or ipad. WTF? I can understand if its a toy or xbox but a $1000 phone? You fockin kiddin me.

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I am so sick of hearing about this mission, and sick of lower level players messaging me on psn asking if I will invite them, and I dont respond, so they ask again, and again, Then I find them, and kill them.

I'm getting sick of it being the only "Quick Job" to join.

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