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Out of Harmony - SOLO/HARD


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So, I drive the trailer to the boat yard. Once I get there, now it says "protect the shipment". I take up a defensive position behind the crates and start shooting at the bikers swarming on the truck (and there's a ton of them). Long story short, there are only 4 bikers left when FAILED - THE BUYER DIED flashes on the screen. WTF? was I supposed to be protecting the shipment AND the buyer? and where the f*ck is he? and why wasn't that one of the mission parameters? Never been able to complete this mission EVER on solo/hard and it just irritates the heck out of me.


I heard the payout for this mission from Trevor was $7K - after spending at least double that on ammo? are you kidding me?

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Actually, since I am playing this SOLO, I was thinking of pre-positioning a Rhino tank at the boat yard. So, once I park the truck, jump in the tank and go up the road to face the biker vans & motorcycles.

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Actually, since I am playing this SOLO, I was thinking of pre-positioning a Rhino tank at the boat yard. So, once I park the truck, jump in the tank and go up the road to face the biker vans & motorcycles.

I made a post on this Mission, in their I wanted to get at least three people, two go for a Buzzard and use it to support the truck on the way to the buy then bring Hell Fire on the Bikers while they defend it.

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This isn't going to help but I posted about this same mission having issues a couple weeks ago. My wife and I were playing and for about 5 or 6 tries we get the truck to the destination and get the notification to "defend the shipment". After about 4 to 6 bikes (8 to 12) targets, we got the message to "take out the bikers". Here is the problem: they never spawned. After several tries and several thousand spent in ammo resupply they magically spawned and we finally completed the mission. Don't know if there are trigger points we were missing or just bad programming but this suck because the mission is actually decent with a lot of killing and having the timer but we wont be doing it again till its fixed

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I hide up the hill away from the truck and the boatsheds. I find the Combat MG works well along with some well-timed grenade launcher shots.

It can be tricky but it's definitely able to be done, i've done it solo several times.

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Actually, since I am playing this SOLO, I was thinking of pre-positioning a Rhino tank at the boat yard. So, once I park the truck, jump in the tank and go up the road to face the biker vans & motorcycles.

That's not a bad Idea, but doesn't Pegasus puts the Tank back in Lock-Up if not don't use it for long?


But anyway, I find the best way is to take one of the Big-Rigs around the area (Which Spawn there everytime) take it to the back way, back-up into a Factory and hook that Trailer and get out. Takes like 5 seconds out of the 6 Minutes to do it and that's extra time for driving the sucker to the Drop Off.

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After you deliver the trailer, stay to the left of it, if you are looking at the ocean. Take cover behind the big wooden boxes that are between the trailer and beach, if you turn around and look up the hill. The only time I have ever failed this mission had to do with time, and not a buyer dying. I never knew he could die...figured that because he was so far away from the firefight...it wasn't an issue.

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