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Grinding Coveted - Looking for 3 others


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Looking to grind some coveted, just blew all my money and would like to make 1-1.5 mil today... running 8 & 16 x coveted playlist so games should go quickly.. If good party following a pattern ive cut game time down to 2:45. Leave GT if your interested. (Playing in free aim mode for higher rep)

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It's about 75 repeats... ~4 hours

You can do the same money in eight minutes selling two adders.

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Lucky Knife

I can play coveted by myself in around 3 minutes. Why do you need three others?

More money and RP for the other players

And i personally like coveted more than rooftop

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I can play coveted by myself in around 3 minutes. Why do you need three others?

More money and RP for the other players

And i personally like coveted more than rooftop

I've never played it with more than two. How much does it pay with four players?

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