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6 Way Madness! (PS3)


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Its taken ages to try and work out how and where to do this without ending up with huge loops to get back to the ramp crossover.

I think I've finally managed it though!
I've had to make it supercar only as after lots of testing its just impossible to have the slower cars enabled or they cannot make the longer jumps without having a huge run-up, which means the checkpoints/respawn points would of been too far away to know where to go.


Anyway, its a great laugh with a decent sized grid, so bookmark it and give it a go! :D



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After getting some laps under my belt I can recommend using an Entity simply because it holds the corners better :)

I'm loving this race if I do say so myself!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well done!


In my opinion this one is definitely more fun than "4 Way Madness".

I recorded a full field race we ran the other night on it and put it on my youtube channel. Enjoy.


If I may offer some constructive criticism, it would really make an improvement if you went back and really got the rows of ramps perfectly in-line. It is tedious work, but it pays off in better gameplay.


Edited by handcuff_charlie
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We've been playing this one a few times and are loving it. :) A Turismo works pretty well on it too.

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Any supercar works, people have these baseless assessments about which car they think does something better than another. The reality is apart from top speed there is very little difference between supercars. I routinely win races in a Cheetah vs adders, entities, and the best part is listening to the inevitable one or two twats on the mic wonder aloud how they lost to a cheetah.

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